Everyone is known that the number of students who is studing in university in china is very large now ! As every sword has two blades ,some students think that there are much hopes in the future, and other students feel fears in the future ,they don't know what to do in the future ,what they can do .
Attitude makes everything ,as the first one ,they think they have much hopes in the future,they have ability to success in the future regardless fail ,also they might fail ,but everyone like me will know if we don't have this hopes ,we have no power to do what we want to do . Other students think fears in the future ,they have no confidence in the future .
as we all know,,every advancement needs innovation. Though the number of students is very larger ,but every one has everyone's strong suit, every one can find a work which is fit to him,also they can do well in their work ,so i think though we have fears in the future ,wo also have much hopes in the future.!
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