Request Processing
boolean MibLeaf::value_ok(const Vbx& vb)
Return true if the value portion of vb can be accepted as the new value for the MibLeaf management information. The default implementation of thevalue_ok member function MibLeaf offers always returns true. Override this function in your own sub-class of MibLeaf if do not you want any value to be accepted.
Note: value_ok is called by MibLeaf::prepare_set_request to check if a SNMP SET operation can be executed.
void MibLeaf::set(const Vbx& vb)
Set the management information of MibLeaf to the value portion of vb. The default implementation of set simply calls set_value. Override the set function if you want your sub-class of MibLeaf to perform additional or other actions.
Note: set is called by MibLeaf::commit_set_request to set the MibLeaf management information to its new value.
int MibLeaf::unset()
Set the management information of MibLeaf stored in MibLeaf::value to its old value stored in MibLeaf::undo. Returns SNMP_ERROR_SUCCESS on success and SNMP_ERROR_UNDO_FAIL on failure.
Note: unset is called by MibLeaf::undo_set_request to set the MibLeaf management information to its old value.
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