表头文件 #include
定义函数 int pipe(int filedes[2]);
pipe()会建立管道,并将文件描述词由参数 filedes 数组返回。
返回值: 若成功则返回零,否则返回-1,错误原因存于 errno 中。
EMFILE 进程已用完文件描述词最大量
ENFILE 系统已无文件描述词可用。
EFAULT 参数 filedes 数组地址不合法。
int main( void )
int filedes[2];
char buf[80];
pid_t pid;
pipe( filedes );
if ( (pid=fork()) > 0 )
printf( "This is in the father process,here write a string to the pipe.\n" );
char s[] = "Hello world , this is write by pipe.\n";
write( filedes[1], s, sizeof(s) );
close( filedes[0] );
close( filedes[1] );
printf( "This is in the child process,here read a string from the pipe.\n" );
read( filedes[0], buf, sizeof(buf) );
printf( "%s\n", buf );
close( filedes[0] );
close( filedes[1] );
waitpid( pid, NULL, 0 );
return 0;
[root@localhost src]# gcc pipe.c
[root@localhost src]# ./a.out
This is in the child process,here read a string from the pipe.
This is in the father process,here write a string to the pipe.
Hello world , this is write by pipe.
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