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2016-07-22 17:57:55

----《MIPS Assembly Language Programming》 Robert Britton 。
        Macro Instructions
seq. Name Brief Actual Code Space/Time Description
1 abs Rd, Rs Absolute Value addu Rd, $0, Rs
bgez Rs, 1
sub Rd, $0, Rs
2 beqz Rs, Label Branch if Equal to Zero beq Rs, $0, Label 1/1
3 bge Rs, Rt, Label Branch if Greater than or Equal slt $at, Rs, Rt 2/2
beq $at, $0, Label
2/2 If Reg.File[Rs] > = Reg.File[Rt] branch to Label
Used to compare values represented in the two's complement number system.
4 bgeu Rs, Rt, Label Branch if Greater than or Equal Unsigned sltu $at, Rs, Rt
beq $at, $0, Label
2/2 If Reg.File[Rs] > = Reg.File[Rt] branch to Label
Used to compare addresses (unsigned values).
5 bgt Rs, Rt, Label Branch if Greater Than slt $at, Rt, Rs
bne $at, $0, Label
2/2 If Reg.File[Rs] > Reg.File[Rt] branch to Label
Used to compare values represented in the two's complement number system.
6 bgtu Rs, Rt, Label Branch if Greater Than Unsigned sltu $at, Rt, Rs
bne $at, $0, Label
2/2 If Reg.File[Rs] > Reg.File[Rt] branch to Label
Used to compare addresses (unsigned values).
7 ble Rs, Rt, Label Branch if Less Than or Equal slt $at, Rt, Rs
beq $at, $0, Label
2/2 If Reg.File[Rs] < = Reg.File[Rt] branch to Label
Used to compare values represented in the two's complement number system.
8 bleu Rs, Rt, Label Branch if Less Than or Equal Unsigned sltu $at, Rt, Rs 
beq $at, $0, Label
2/2 If Reg.File[Rs] < = Reg.File[Rt] branch to Label
Used to compare addresses (unsigned values).
9 blt Rs, Rt, Label Branch if Less Than slt $at, Rs, Rt 
bne $at, $0, Label
2/2 If Reg.File[Rs] < Reg.File[Rt] branch to Label
Used to compare values represented in the two's complement number system
10 bltu Rs, Rt, Label Branch if Less Than Unsigned sltu $at, Rs, Rt
bne $at, $0, Label
2/2 If Reg.File[Rs] < Reg.File[Rt] branch to Label
Used to compare addresses (unsigned values).
11 bnez Rs, Label Branch if Not Equal to Zero bne Rs, $0, Label 1/1
12 b Label Branch Unconditional bgez $0, Label 1/1
13 div Rd, Rs, Rt Divide bne Rt, $0, ok
break $0
ok: div Rs, Rt
mflo Rd
14 divu Rd, Rs, Rt Divide Unsigned bne Rt, $0, ok
break $0
ok: divu Rs, Rt
mflo Rd
15 la Rd, Label Load Address lui $at, Upper 16-bits of Label 
ori Rd, $at, Lower 16-bits of Label
Used to initialize pointers
16 li Rd, value Load Immediate lui $at, Upper 16-bits of value
ori Rd, $at, Lower 16-bits of value
2/2 Initialize registers with negative constants and values greater than 32767.
17 li Rd, value Load Immediate ori Rt, $0, value 1/1 Initialize registers with positive constants less than 32768.
18 move Rd, Rs Move addu Rd, $0, Rs 1/1
19 mul Rd, Rs, Rt Multiply mult Rs, Rt
mflo Rd
20 mulo Rd, Rs, Rt Multiply (with overflow exception) mult Rs, Rt
mfhi $at
mflo Rd
sra Rd, Rd, 31
beq $at, Rd, ok
break $0
ok: mflo Rd
21 mulou Rd, Rs, Rt Multiply Unsigned (with overflow exception) multu Rs, Rt 
mfhi $at
beq $at, $0, ok
ok: break $0
mflo Rd
22 neg Rd, Rs Negate sub Rd, $0, Rs 1/1 Two's complement negation. An exception is generated when there
is an attempt to negate the most negative value: 2,147,483,648.
23 negu Rd, Rs Negate Unsigned subu Rd, $0, Rs 1/1
24 nop Nop or $0, $0, $0 1/1
25 not Rd, Rs Not nor Rd, Rs, $0 1/1 A bit-wise Boolean complement.
26 rem Rd, Rs, Rt Remainder bne Rt, $0, 8
break $0
div Rs, Rt
mfhi Rd
27 remu Rd, Rs, Rt Remainder Unsigned bne Rt, $0, ok
break $0
ok: divu Rs, Rt
mfhi Rd
28 rol Rd, Rs, Rt Rotate Left Variable subu $at, $0, Rt
srlv $at, Rs, $at
sllv Rd, Rs, Rt
or Rd, Rd, $at
4/4 The lower 5-bits in Rt specifys the shift amount.
29 ror Rd, Rs, Rt Rotate Right Variable subu $at, $0, Rt
sllv $at, Rs, $at
srlv Rd, Rs, Rt
or Rd, Rd, $at
30 rol Rd, Rs, sa Rotate Left Constant srl $at, Rs, 32-sa
sll Rd, Rs, sa
or Rd, Rd, $at
31 ror Rd, Rs, sa Rotate Right Constant sll $at, Rs, 32-sa
srl Rd, Rs, sa
or Rd, Rd, $at
32 seq Rd, Rs, Rt Set if Equal beq Rt, Rs, yes
ori Rd, $0, 0
beq $0, $0, skip
yes: ori Rd, $0, 1
33 sge Rd, Rs, Rt Set if Greater Than or Equal bne Rt, Rs, yes
ori Rd, $0, 1
beq $0, $0, skip
yes: slt Rd, Rt, Rs
34 sgeu Rd, Rs, Rt Set if Greater Than or Equal Unsigned bne Rt, Rs, yes 
ori Rd, $0, 1
beq $0, $0, skip
yes: sltu Rd, Rt, Rs
35 sgt Rd, Rs, Rt Set if Greater Than slt Rd, Rt, Rs 1/1
36 sgtu Rd, Rs, Rt Set if Greater Than Unsigned sltu Rd, Rt, Rs 1/1
37 sle Rd, Rs, Rt Set if Less Than or Equal bne Rt, Rs, yes
ori Rd, $0, 1
beq $0, $0, skip
yes: slt Rd, Rs, Rt
38 sleu Rd, Rs, Rt Set if Less Than or Equal Unsigned bne Rt, Rs, yes 
ori Rd, $0, 1
beq $0, $0, skip
yes: sltu Rd, Rs, Rt
39 sne Rd, Rs, Rt Set if Not Equal beq Rt, Rs, yes
ori Rd, $0, 1
beq $0, $0, skip
yes: ori Rd, $0, 0
40 ulh Rd, 3(Rs) Unaligned Load Halfword Unsigned lb Rd, 4(Rs) 
lbu $at, 3(Rs)
sll Rd, Rd, 8
or Rd, Rd, $at
41 ulhu Rd, 3(Rs) Unaligned Load Halfword lbu Rd, 4(Rs)
lbu $at, 3(Rs)
sll Rd, Rd, 8
or Rd, Rd, $at
42 ulw Rd, 3(Rs) Unaligned Load Word lwl Rd, 6(Rs)
lwr Rd, 3(Rs)
43 ush Rd, 3(Rs) Unaligned Store Halfword sb Rd, 3(Rs)
srl $at, Rd, 8
sb $at, 4(Rs)
44 usw Rd, 3(Rs) Unaligned Store Word swl Rd, 6(Rs) 
swr Rd, 3(Rs)

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