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2009-06-03 14:00:26


# -

# -

# -

# -    This program scans CSV export data and maps it to an add data set for ldap

# -

# -    You will be prompted for the file to convert. The CSV should be in

# - a format where the first row has column headings and the first column

# - should be the DN. The output file will be the name of the input file

# - with the LDIF extension added.

# -

# - Example: perl

# -

use FileHandle;

my($csvFile, $inputfile, %domains, $outfile);
my(@linearray, @dnarray, @cnarray, $linecount);
my(%controlhash, $templatefile, %fieldmap, $logfile);

$csvFile = &promptUser("Name of file to be converted from CSV to LDIF 'Add' File", "sample-adddata.csv");
$inputfile = new FileHandle($csvFile) ||
    die "Can't open the import file!\n";
#$csvFile =~ /(.*)\./;

#$csvFile = $1;

$outfile = new FileHandle(">$csvFile.ldif") ||
    die "Can't create or open the output file!\n";
$logfile = new FileHandle(">AddData.log") ||
    die "Can't create or open the log file!\n";

# - Read the first line of the data file and build the control hash from it.

print $outfile "\n";
print $outfile "version: 1\n\n";

$linecount = 0;
while(defined($line = <$inputfile>)) {
    if($linecount == 1) {
        @linearray = split(m',', $line);
        $fieldcount = 0;

        foreach $field (split(m',', $line)) {
            $fieldmap{$fieldcount} = $field;

    @linearray = split(m'"', $line);
    @fieldarray = split(m',', $linearray[2]);

    for($k = 0; $k < $fieldcount; $k++) {
        if($k == 0) {
            print $outfile "$fieldmap{$k}: ";
            print $outfile "$linearray[1]\n";
            print $outfile "changetype: add\n";
        } else {
            print $outfile "$fieldmap{$k}: $fieldarray[$k]\n";
    print $outfile "\n";

sub promptUser {


   # two possible input arguments - $promptString, and $defaultValue #

   # make the input arguments local variables. #


   local($promptString,$defaultValue) = @_;


   # if there is a default value, use the first print statement; if #

   # no default is provided, print the second string. #


   if ($defaultValue) {
      print $promptString, "[", $defaultValue, "]: ";
   } else {
      print $promptString, ": ";

   $| = 1; # force a flush after our print

   $_ = <STDIN>; # get the input from STDIN (presumably the keyboard)


   # remove the newline character from the end of the input the user #

   # gave us. #




   # if we had a $default value, and the user gave us input, then #

   # return the input; if we had a default, and they gave us no #

   # no input, return the $defaultValue. #

   # #

   # if we did not have a default value, then just return whatever #

   # the user gave us. if they just hit the key, #

   # the calling routine will have to deal with that. #


   if ("$defaultValue") {
      return $_ ? $_ : $defaultValue; # return $_ if it has a value

   } else {
      return $_;

# -

# -

# -

# -    This program scans CSV export data and maps it to an update data set for ldap

# -

# - You will be prompted for the file to convert as well as the attribute change

# - type. The CSV should be in a format where the first row has column headings

# - and the first column should be the DN. The output file will be the name of

# - the input file with the LDIF extension added.

# -

# -

# - Example: perl

# -

use FileHandle;

my($csvFile, $ldifType, $inputfile, %domains, $outfile);
my(@linearray, @dnarray, @cnarray, $linecount);
my(%controlhash, $templatefile, %fieldmap, $logfile);

$csvFile = &promptUser("Name of file to be converted from CSV to LDIF 'Add' File");
$ldifType = &promptUser("Will these attributes be in replace or add mode?", "replace");
$inputfile = new FileHandle($csvFile) ||
    die "Can't open the import file!\n";
$outfile = new FileHandle(">$csvFile.ldif") ||
    die "Can't create or open the output file!\n";
$logfile = new FileHandle(">FixData.log") ||
    die "Can't create or open the log file!\n";

# - Read the first line of the data file an build the control hash from it.

print $outfile "\n";
print $outfile "version: 1\n\n";

$linecount = 0;
while(defined($line = <$inputfile>)) {
    if($linecount == 1) {
        @linearray = split(m',', $line);
        $fieldcount = 0;

        foreach $field (split(m',', $line)) {
            $fieldmap{$fieldcount} = $field;

    @linearray = split(m'"', $line);
    @fieldarray = split(m',', $linearray[2]);

    for($k = 0; $k < $fieldcount; $k++) {
        if($k == 0) {
            print $outfile "$fieldmap{$k}: ";
            print $outfile "$linearray[1]\n";
            print $outfile "changetype: modify\n";
        } else {
            if($k > 1) {
                print $outfile "-\n";
            print $outfile "$ldifType: ";
            print $outfile "$fieldmap{$k}\n";
            print $outfile "$fieldmap{$k}: $fieldarray[$k]\n";
    print $outfile "\n";

sub promptUser {


   # two possible input arguments - $promptString, and $defaultValue #

   # make the input arguments local variables. #


   local($promptString,$defaultValue) = @_;


   # if there is a default value, use the first print statement; if #

   # no default is provided, print the second string. #


   if ($defaultValue) {
      print $promptString, "[", $defaultValue, "]: ";
   } else {
      print $promptString, ": ";

   $| = 1; # force a flush after our print

   $_ = <STDIN>; # get the input from STDIN (presumably the keyboard)


   # remove the newline character from the end of the input the user #

   # gave us. #




   # if we had a $default value, and the user gave us input, then #

   # return the input; if we had a default, and they gave us no #

   # no input, return the $defaultValue. #

   # #

   # if we did not have a default value, then just return whatever #

   # the user gave us. if they just hit the key, #

   # the calling routine will have to deal with that. #


   if ("$defaultValue") {
      return $_ ? $_ : $defaultValue; # return $_ if it has a value

   } else {
      return $_;

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