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#!C:/perl/bin/perl.exe -w
use strict; use warnings;
use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use TalkTimer;
#!C:/perl/bin/perl.exe -w
package TalkTimer;
use strict; use warnings;
use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/; use Gtk2 '-init'; use Gtk2::GladeXML;
use constant TIMER_MAXIMUM => 5 * 60; use constant TIMER_WARNING => 4 * 60;
use constant WARNING_SOUND => 'WARNING.WAV'; use constant TIMES_UP_SOUND => 'GONG.WAV';
use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
sub run { my $self = shift->new; Gtk2->main; }
sub new { return bless({}, shift)->init; }
sub init { my $self = shift; my $glade_file = __FILE__; $glade_file =~ s/TalkTimer.pm/talk_timer.glade/; my $gui = Gtk2::GladeXML->new($glade_file);
$self->label ($gui->get_widget('timer_label') ); $self->progress ($gui->get_widget('progress_bar')); $self->start_stop($gui->get_widget('start_stop') ); ##说说有问题的几个地方
#1. $self->label->modify_font $self->label->modify_font( Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string("Sans 40") );
$gui->get_widget('appwin')->show(); return $self; }
sub on_appwin_delete_event { Gtk2->main_quit; }
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( label progress start_stop start_time running warned times_up ));
sub on_start_stop_clicked { my $self = shift;
if ($self->running) { $self->stop_timer; } else { $self->start_timer; } }
sub start_timer { my $self = shift;
$self->start_time(time); $self->running(TRUE); $self->warned(FALSE); $self->times_up(FALSE); $self->start_stop->set_label('Stop'); Glib::Timeout->add(1000, sub { $self->tick }); }
sub stop_timer { my $self = shift; $self->running(FALSE);
#2.$self->label->set_text $self->label->set_text('0:00'); $self->progress->set_fraction(0); $self->start_stop->set_label('Start'); }
sub tick { my $self = shift; return FALSE unless $self->running;
my $secs = time - $self->start_time;
#3.应该来说是label->set_text这个导致的,因为不认识 $self->label->set_text( sprintf('%d:%02d', int($secs/60), $secs % 60) );
my $frac = $secs > TIMER_MAXIMUM ? 1 : $secs/TIMER_MAXIMUM; $self->progress->set_fraction($frac);
if($secs >= TIMER_MAXIMUM and !$self->times_up) { $self->times_up(TRUE); $self->play_times_up_sound; } elsif($secs >= TIMER_WARNING and !$self->warned) { $self->warned(TRUE); $self->play_warning_sound; } return TRUE; }
sub play_warning_sound { play_sound(WARNING_SOUND) } sub play_times_up_sound { play_sound(TIMES_UP_SOUND)}
sub play_sound { my $filename = shift;
system("play $filename"); } 1;
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