Gevent can spawn a co-routine: g1 = gevent.spawn(function)
After the function is been called, g1 has its return value: g1.value
If we want to have a callback with g1.value: g1.rawlink(callback)
This callback will be called before join: gevent.joinall([g1])
Here is the expirement about this conclusion:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Yuande Liu
# gevent's rawlink(callback) are executed before gevent.join() return
from __future__ import print_function
import gevent
from gevent.pool import Pool
p = Pool(100)
alist = []
def return_self(x):
return x
def callback(greenlet):
If we call `gevent.sleep(0)` in this callback:
AssertionError: Impossible to call blocking function in the event loop callback
global alist
alist.append( greenlet.value )
2**2**20 # about 2s in Intel i5 2.4GHz
def run():
for x in xrange(10000):
b = p.spawn(return_self, x)
global alist
print('before join alist: {}'.format(len(alist)))
print('after join alist: {}'.format(len(alist)))
print('alist: {}'.format(len(alist)))
before join alist: 9900
after join alist: 10000
alist: 10000
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