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分类: Python/Ruby

2014-12-19 17:17:22



One of the hot thing in Rails 4.2 is the brand new ActiveJob gem, this gem consolidate the API for background job gems on the market such as DelayedJob, Resque, etc. Today I am going to guide you through how to integrate Sidekiq with ActiveJob, and you will learn:

  • Set up Sidekiq adapter for ActiveJob
  • Basic of ActiveJob class
  • Advanced usage of multiple queues
  • ActiveJob callback
  • ActiveJob exception catch
  • ActiveJob mailer API

The concept

Before we move into details on implementation, I want to clarify that ActiveJob is not Sidekiq but Sidekiq can act like ActiveJob. Because ActiveJob does not care how a job is processed (that is forking processes for eg), it only does job queuing and delegate job crunching to adapter, that is Sidekiq. However Sidekiq does both, it could act as job queuer and job processor at same time.

So what’s so good about ActiveJob then? ActiveJob standardises the API interface for job queuer. This helps changing from one job backend to the other much easily.

Install Rails 4.2

ActiveJob is only available in Rails 4.2 and you need to install the latest version of 4.2 (at the time of the writing is 4.2.0-beta2).

And in your Gemfile of your app, change the version to

gem 'rails', '4.2.0.beta2'

And do the bundle install

Install Sidekiq

It is just as simple as append this line to your Gemfile

gem 'sidekiq', '3.2.5'

and fire away bundle install

Then we create new config file config/sidekiq.yml for our sidekiq

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--- :concurrency: 25 :pidfile: ./tmp/pids/ :logfile: ./log/sidekiq.log :queues:  - default  - [high_priority, 2]

The above config file tell Sidekiq where to store PID and log file. Plus I also configure Sidekiq to create 2 queues, default and high priority queue. FYI, the number 2 in high_priority line is the weight of 2, it means that it will be check twice as often. I’ll demonstrate how can we delegate our job to right queue later.

You are free to configure Sidekiq in whatever way you see fit your app.

We can start our sidekiq daemon:

$ sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml

if nothing goes wrong, you should see similar output:

1 2 3 4 5 
2014-10-03T01:23:24.775Z 13918 TID-oxapc5ias INFO: Running in ruby 2.1.3p242 (2014-09-19 revision 47630) [x86_64-darwin14.0] 2014-10-03T01:23:24.775Z 13918 TID-oxapc5ias INFO: See LICENSE and the LGPL-3.0 for licensing details. 2014-10-03T01:23:24.776Z 13918 TID-oxapc5ias INFO: Upgrade to Sidekiq Pro for more features and support:  2014-10-03T01:23:24.776Z 13918 TID-oxapc5ias INFO: Starting processing, hit Ctrl-C to stop 2014-10-03T01:23:24.777Z 13918 TID-oxaphajos DEBUG: {:queues=>["default", "high_priority", "high_priority"], :labels=>[], :concurrency=>25, :require=>".", :environment=>nil, :timeout=>8, :error_handlers=>[#], :lifecycle_events=>{:startup=>[], :quiet=>[], :shutdown=>[]}, :verbose=>true, :daemon=>false, :pidfile=>"./tmp/pids/", :logfile=>"./log/sidekiq.log", :strict=>false, :config_file=>"config/sidekiq.yml", :tag=>"demo_app"}

That’s a good, quit out the sidekiq by Ctrl-C and we could run sidekiq in daemon mode by modifying our config/sidekiq.yml by appending so our file is:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
--- :concurrency: 25 :pidfile: ./tmp/pids/ :logfile: ./log/sidekiq.log :queues:  - default  - [high_priority, 2] :daemon: true

Let’s run out sidekiq again:

1 2 3 4 5 
$ sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml  # we then can check if it's started correctly $ ps aux | grep sidekiq trung_le        13534  22.6  0.7  2667148 118288   ??  S    10:31am   0:02.62 sidekiq 3.2.5 demo_app [0 of 25 busy]

Set up our Job

Let’s imagine that our job is to run a CSV Importer in background, here is our CSVImporter class:

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class CsvImporter  attr_reader :filepath   def initialize(filepath)  @filepath = filepath  end   def run  puts "Prepare to import #{filepath} ..."  # some crunching code  puts "Import #{filepath} completed"  end end 

Now we have our gems installed, we’ll need to configure ActiveJob to use sidekiq as backend by creating following initializer:

1 2 3 
#config/initializers/active_job.rb  ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :sidekiq 

By convention, we place our Job class under app/jobs

Here is our uber-cool CSV importing job (I try to make the most boring thing on Earth…interesting)

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# app/jobs/csv_import_job.rb  class CsvImportJob < ActiveJob::Base  queue_as :default   # we assume that we have a class CsvImporter to handle the import  def perform(filepath)  end end 

As you can see above, we have queue_as and perform, these two methods are required by convention when creating ActiveJob class.

As you might have known that sidekiq supports multiple queues, which we configure with queues option in the sidekiq config file. In the above example, I tell Rails to delegate this CSV job to default queue by specifying the queue name using queue_as API.

The perform method is the logic of job handler, what you want to do with the job. Please be noted that the arguments for this method must be a legal JSON types such as String, Integer, Flat, nil, True/False, Hash, Array or GlobalID instances. The latter one is very interesting, please read more about it in the latter section.

The art of enqueuing

We could tell Rails to queue a job and run it as soon as the queue is free with #perform_later:


and if you peek into log/development.log you should see:

[ActiveJob] Enqueued CsvImportJob (Job ID: 525b3f7b-adab-41de-afe7-bee229188501) to Sidekiq(csv) with arguments: "/tmp/my_file.csv" 

the output indicates that our job has been successfully queued and processed

Run the queue in the future!

What’s cool about ActiveJob is that it allows you to schedule the time to run enequeued jobs.

we could delay the running till tomorrow noon by using #set method with wait_until option:

CsvImportJob.set(wait_until: Date.tomorrow.noon).perform_later('/tmp/my_file.csv') 

which generates log line:

[ActiveJob] Enqueued CsvImportJob (Job ID: 08f113f4-d12c-4401-a84e-1b0e55f194d6) to Sidekiq(csv) at 2014-10-04 12:00:00 UTC with arguments: "/tmp/my_file.csv" 

the above output clearly point out that the job is scheduled to run on 2014-10-04 12:00:00 UTC. Cool, isn’t it?

Furthermore, the option wait is also very cool too, it takes in human idomatic syntax from now on:

CsvImportJob.set(wait: 2.week).perform_later('/tmp/my_file.csv') 

the above code will tell the worker to run the job after 2 weeks from now.

Prioritise with multi-queues

Let’s assume that the business people want file that are located in folder /tmp/urgent to be processed first. How could we go about tackling this? Introducing multi-queues, by specifying queues with higher weight, in our case, we configure:

1 2 3 
:queues:  - default  - [high_priority, 2] 

the high_priority queue will have higher precedence than default queue, thus it’ll be run first.

To tell ActiveJob to use this high priority queue on condition, we could parse in a block into our queue_as line.

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class CsvImportJob < ActiveJob::Base  queue_as do  if urgent_job?  :high_priority  else  :default  end  end   # we assume that we have a class CsvImporter to handle the import  def perform(filepath)  end   private   def urgent_job?  self.arguments.first =~ /\/urgent\//  end end 

the code in the block will be evaluated under the context of the job. I guess I don’t have to explain much about the code above, it’s just a simple condition. But you might be puzzled about the usage of self.arguments. This method returns an array of parameters that are parsed into #perform_later during queuing. The arguments get passed into #perform happens during job processing.

Let’s give our code a trial:


and pay close attention to out log output:

[ActiveJob] [CsvImportJob] [30488ea0-108c-484f-bf12-8341da38e76b] Performed CsvImportJob from Sidekiq(high_priority) in 0.2ms 

you could see that ActiveJob tells Sidekiq to run the job from Sidekiq(high_priority).

However, should you want to run non-urgent file in high priority queue, you could override with:

CsvImportJob.set(queue: :high_priority).perform_later('/tmp/my_file.csv') 

The powerful callbacks!

I love ActiveRecord callbacks, it is one of the best pattern ever in Rails!!! (I will kill you if you use it in your app!)

So just like ActiveRecord and ActionController, Rails also offers callbacks for ActiveJob. Below is the list of available callbacks:

  • before/after/around_enqueue
  • before/after/around_perform

Those callbacks hook into the enqueuing and performing steps of the job.

We can use callbacks to do job logging and notification. Below is the code to notify manager once the job is finished:

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class CsvImportJob < ActiveJob::Base  queue_as :default   after_perform :notify_manager   # we assume that we have a class CsvImporter to handle the import  def perform(filepath)  end   private   def notify_manager  NotificationMailer.job_done(User.find_manager).deliver_later  end end 

The above code tells ActiveJob to execute #notify_manager after the CsvImporter has finished.

FYI, I use method NotificationMailer#deliver_later, this would tell ActiveJob to deliver email in the background too.

Furthermore, the same options of ActiveJob.set also apply for mailer class, which provides a consistent API for background mailer jobs, thus you could use wait option, for eg:

1 2 3 
def notify_manager  NotificationMailer.job_done(User.find_manager).deliver_later(wait: 2.minutes) end 

How cool is that!

Catching the Exceptions!

There is no guarantee that our CsvImporter won’t run into error, thus we should notify our manager should the import job fails too! How can we do that? Introducing the #rescue_frommethod.

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class CsvImportJob < ActiveJob::Base  queue_as :default   rescue_from(StandardErrors) do |exception|  notify_failed_job_to_manager(exception)  end   # we assume that we have a class CsvImporter to handle the import  def perform(filepath)  end   private   def notify_failed_job_to_manager(exception)  NotificationMailer.job_failed(User.find_manager, exception).deliver_later  end end 

The above code tells ActiveJob to listen to job execution’s exception and then catch and notify the manager.

You can parse live object! OMG

As I have stated above that valid arguments for perform method must be legal JSON type or GlobalID instances.

What is GlobalID instance? The class of those instance must have ActiveModel::GlobalIdentification mixin.

Let me give you one example, assume that we have an AR class:

1 2 
class Report < ActiveRecord::Base end 

ActiveRecord does include ActiveModel::GlobalIdentification, so instead of parsing a pair ID integer or Class string:

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def perform(klass_name, id)  klass = klass_name.constantize  our_object = klass.find(id) end  SomeJob.perform_later('Report', id) 

we could parse in the object

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def perform(our_object) end  report = Report.find(id) SomeJob.perform_later(report) 

Rails 3.2.x support?

I back-ported AJ to Rails 3.2.x, you can find the gem at:


ActiveJob is surely a nice addition to Rails stack, it makes scheduling background jobs easier and more intuitive. It is also a great abstraction for your app, you don’t have to worry about the under layer adapter so you can easily swap from one adapter to other.

Overall, IMHO I really like working with the consistent API though I think Rails abuses inherentance too much. It’d be much better if we could mixin ActiveJob into classes via composition.

Again, good luck and keep on learning folks!

PS: Thanks to Tao Guo for proof-reading

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