题目大意:在[0, 30] 的数中,把任意一数拆成一个triplet,使得triplet中三个数之和等于这个数,同时这三个数必须在[0, 10]范围内。这三个数中任意两个数差的绝对值等于0或者1的叫做normal,等于2的叫做surprising,大于2的不允许出现。
示例:(8, 8, 8) and (7, 8, 7) are not surprising. (6, 7, 8) and (6, 8, 8) are surprising. (7, 6, 9) will never happen.
求这若干个数拆成triplet后,“值”大于等于给定数(给定数的范围也是[0, 10])的triplet出现的总数。(注意surprising的限制)
数字n :
normal surprising
n % 3 == 0: 18 -> [6,6,6], [5,6,7] 18 // 3 = 6
n % 3 == 1: 16 -> [5,5,6], [4,6,6] 16 // 3 = 5
n % 3 == 2: 17 -> [5,6,6], [5,5,7] 17 // 3 = 5
所以结论很简单:数字根据余3的结果分成3类,每一类有一个(normal, surprising) 的数据对,这个数据对是数字除以3所得的商来填写的。
quotient := 16 // 3 得到数据对就是(quotient + 1, quotient + 1)
quotient := 17 // 3 得到数据对就是(quotient + 1, quotient + 2)
quotient := 18 // 3 得到数据对就是(quotient, quotient + 1)
0得到(0,0), 30得到(10, 10), 1得到(1,1),29得到(10, 10)
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # encoding: utf-8
- import sys
- def read_file(fname):
- fd = open(fname)
- times = fd.readline()
- times = int(times.rstrip('\n'))
- content = fd.readlines()[:times]
- fd.close()
- return content
- def write_file(result):
- fd = open('b.txt', 'w')
- fd.writelines(result)
- fd.close()
- def process(combination, N, S, p):
- total = 0
- for item in combination:
- if item[0] >= p: # normal >= p
- total += 1
- elif item[1] >= p: # surprising >= p
- if S > 0:
- total += 1
- S -= 1
- return total
- def control(content):
- result = []
- for i, line in enumerate(content):
- combination = []
- line = line.rstrip('\n').split()
- for item in line[3:]:
- base = int(item) // 3
- if int(item) % 3 == 0:
- if int(item) == 0 or int(item) == 30: # Each triplet of scores consists of three integer scores from 0 to 10 inclusive
- combination.append((base, base)) # if it is 0 or 30
- else:
- combination.append((base, base + 1)) # normal, surprising
- elif int(item) % 3 == 1: # 1 don't have surprising
- combination.append((base + 1, base + 1))
- elif int(item) % 3 == 2:
- if int(item) == 29: # 29 don't have surprising, 11 is invalid
- combination.append((base + 1, base + 1))
- else:
- combination.append((base + 1, base + 2))
- total = process(combination, int(line[0]), int(line[1]), int(line[2]))
- result.append('Case #' + str(i+1) + ': ' + str(total) + '\n')
- return result
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print('Please set input file as a parameter.')
- sys.exit(1)
- content = read_file(sys.argv[1])
- result = control(content)
- write_file(result)
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