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  • 博客访问: 23436
  • 博文数量: 8
  • 博客积分: 1410
  • 博客等级: 上尉
  • 技术积分: 105
  • 用 户 组: 普通用户
  • 注册时间: 2006-12-07 16:18





分类: C/C++

2008-08-11 11:22:17


#define MAX_CONN 10240

struct evhttp_request *requests[MAX_CONN];
struct evbuffer *bufs[MAX_CONN];
int pos[MAX_CONN], num;

void on_close(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) {
int* p = (int*) arg;
struct evhttp_request *p2 = requests[*p];
struct evbuffer *p3 = bufs[*p];
printf("%s closed.\n", p2->remote_host);
requests[*p] = NULL;
if (p3 != NULL) evbuffer_free(p3);

/* for comet recv */
void comet_handler(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) {
int i, j;
requests[num] = req;
struct evbuffer *buf;
req->minor = 0;
evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Content-Type", "text/plain");

    evhttp_send_reply_start(req, HTTP_OK, "OK");

/* Set a callback for connection close. */
evhttp_connection_set_closecb(req->evcon, on_close, &pos[num]);

buf = evbuffer_new();
bufs[num] = buf;

for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
  evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "Hi %s, this is a comet server based on libevent, visit for more information!\r\n", req->remote_host);
    evhttp_send_reply_chunk(req, buf);

    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
     if (requests[i] == NULL) continue;
     evbuffer_add_printf(bufs[i], "Oops, %s requests!\r\n", req->remote_host);
     evhttp_send_reply_chunk(requests[i], bufs[i]);
     // evhttp_send_reply_end(requests[i]);
    if (num++ == MAX_CONN) err(1, "exceed max conn, TODO.");

/* for comet send, GET /id */
void notify_handler(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) {
    struct evbuffer *buf;
    int nudge;
    buf = evbuffer_new();
    if (buf == NULL) err(1, "failed to create response buffer");
    const char *uri = evhttp_request_uri(req);
    evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "Requested: %s, send a nudge to %s\n", uri, uri + 1);

nudge = atoi(uri + 1);
if (requests[nudge] != NULL) {
  evbuffer_add_printf(bufs[nudge], "Oops, received a nudge from %s!\r\n", req->remote_host);
  evhttp_send_reply_chunk(requests[nudge], bufs[nudge]);
    evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", buf); // TODO: free buf

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        struct evhttp *httpd;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
         requests[i] == NULL;
         bufs[i] = NULL;
         pos[i] = i;
        num = 0;

        httpd = evhttp_start("", 8080);

        /* Set a comet callback for requests to "/". */
        evhttp_set_cb(httpd, "/", comet_handler, NULL);

        /* Set a send callback for all other requests. */
        evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, notify_handler, NULL);


        /* Not reached in this code as it is now. */
        return 0;
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