#include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" struct student { int score; struct student *next; }; struct student* create_link() { struct student *head = NULL; struct student *tail = NULL; int score; while(1) { scanf("%d", &score); if(score <= 0)break; struct student *now = (struct student*)malloc(sizeof(struct student)); now->score = score; now->next = NULL; if(head == NULL) { head = tail = now; } else { tail->next = now; tail = now; } } printf("create link success\n"); return head; } void display_link(const struct student *link) { const struct student *p = link; for(; NULL;p=p->next) { printf("%d\t", p->score); } printf("\n"); } //select sort and switch point instead of switch data
void sort_link(struct student **head) { struct student *link = *head; struct student *pre_p1; struct student *pre_p2; struct student *min; struct student *p1; for(p1=link; p1->next!=NULL; pre_p1=min,p1=min->next) { min = p1; struct student *p2; for(p2=p1; p2->next!=NULL; p2=p2->next) { if(p2->next->score < min->score) { pre_p2 = p2; min = p2->next; } } if(min == p1) { printf("no need sort\n", p1->score); continue; } //head or not head
if(p1 == *head) { *head = min; } else { pre_p1->next = min; } //switch point
struct student *temp = min->next; if(p1->next == min) { //p1 and min link directly
min->next = p1; p1->next = temp; } else { //p1 and min link indirectly
min->next = p1->next; pre_p2->next = p1; p1->next = temp; } printf("sort:\t", p1->score); display_link(*head); } } int main() { struct student *link = create_link(); sort_link(&link); printf("\nafter sort link:\n"); display_link(link); return 0; }
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