ls -li 显示文件块号;
ls -R dir 递归显示dir目录下的内容,
# prtconf | grep -v not
devfsadm -c device_class
----------------devfsadm 参数汇总----------------------
-c 指定class
-i 检测指定设备名;
-v 检测硬件,更改/dev and /devices目录内容;
-C 检测删除硬件,更改目录内容;
newfs /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s0
在newfs创建文件系统时,会留出1%-10%的空间给newfs给维护所用,这个参数就是minfree,可用命令fstyp查看minfree的值;在newfs创建文件系统时可以用 newfs -m %free 来指定;
fstyp -v /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 | head -10 显示free的大小;
tunefs -m 1 /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s0
可以用prtvtoc 命令把磁盘的VTOC保存到一个文件中:
例如: prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 >; /vtoc/c1t0d0
例如: fmthard -s datafile /dev/rdsk/c #t #d #s2
df – Displays the number of free disk blocks
du – Summarizes disk use
quot – Summarizes file system ownership
mountall -l 只mount本地的所有文件系统;
Using the fstyp Command来查看文件类型:
# fstyp /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7
Some options used to mount local file systems include: ro, nosetuid,
noatime, nolargefiles, and logging.
#umountall -l
fuser command – Lists all of the processes that are accessing the file
system and kills them if necessary
以下四种情况,文件系统都会显示:umount: file_system_name busy
1 A program is accessing a file or directory in the file system
2 A user is accessing a directory or file in the file system
3 A program has a file open in that file system
4 The file is being shared
(1) 使用fuser命令来确认挂接点有那些进程在访问,然后杀掉
(2) 用umount -f 强制umount;
volume management两个重要文件:
/etc/vold.conf volume management配置文件,配置一些条目,如插入,弹出设备时的动作,
那些设备被volume management管理,那些设备是不安全弹出等.
/etc/rmmount.conf rmmount命令的配置文件,rmmount是一个被volume management在光盘或
# /etc/init.d/volmgt stop 或 # pkill -9 vold
# /etc/init.d/volmgt start
# pkginfo | more
# pkginfo -l | more
# pkginfo -l SUNWman
# pkginfo | wc -l
pkginfo -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Product |more
提示:光盘CD1of2 中放了core and END USER software Groups
cd2 of 2 中放了Developer, Entire Distribution, and Entire Distribution Plus OEM Support software groups.
# pkgadd -d . SUNWns6m
# pkgchk SUNWcarx
加-v 参数可查看软件包安装在那些目录下放置了文件:
# pkgchk -v SUNWcarx
#pkgchk -p /etc/passwd
#pkgchk -l -p /etc/group
(22), 删除软件包:
# pkgrm SUNWapchr 删除软件包SUNWapchr
增加一个软件包spool 路径:
默认情况下,spool路径放在/var/spool/pkg ,
# pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Product -s spool SUNWensqr.u
# pkgrm -s spool SUNWensqr.u
# pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Product -s /export/pkg SUNWensqr.u
# pkgrm -s /export/pkg SUNWensqr.u
# patchadd 105050-01
# patchrm 105050-01
安装patch cluster:
patch cluster由推荐补丁,安全补丁以及Y2K patch组成;安装时必须在/ /var /usr /opt有至少10M的空间,会把patch存在/var/sadm/pkg目录,也可-nosave,将不能对个别patch进行恢复删除,
# cd patch_cluster_directory
# ./install_cluster
(25),To display revsion of OpenBoot PROM :
#/usr/platform/'uname -m'/sbin/prtdiag -v
(26), NVRAM 's noneditable area :
The Ethernet address, such as 8:0:20:5d:6f:9e
The HostID value ,such as 805d6f83
(27),stop + D
stop + N
Stop + A 三个命令的作用
删除KEYBOARD ABORT=disable的注册符;
(29),Boot PROM command: (必考)
banner---- displays the power-on banner(also list Ethernet address,HostID,model name , boot PROM version,the amount of memory.)
boot ---- boots the system(-s boot the system to single-usermode;
-a boot the system interactively;
-v boots the system displaying more detailed info;
-r Performs a reconfigration boot.)
help ---- Lists the main help categories
words ---- displays the FORTH words in the dictionary
sifting text ----- Displays the FORTH commands contianing text
Printenv ---- Dislplays all paramenter's current and default values.
setenv ---- set the specified NVRAM parameter to some value.
reset-all ---- Resets the entire system; similar to a power cycle.
set-defaults ---- Resets all paramter values to the factory defualts.
test ---- Runs self-test on specified devices;
.version ---- Displays the version and the date of the boot PROM;
.enet-addr ---- Displays the Ethernet address;
.idprom ---- Displays the IP PROM contents.
.speed ---- Displays the speed oft processor and of the buses attached to the sytem;
.registers ----- Displays the contents of the registers;
show-devs ---- view the entire device tree;
devalias ---- To identify the current boot device alias for the system;
nvalias ---- Creat a new device alias name;
nvunalias ---- Remove a custom device alias name;
(30),Identifying RUN level (必考)
0 and S and 1 , this three level differ;
difference between 2 and 3 level;
0 ,PROM monitor
S , single-user mode with critical file systems;
1 , single-user mode with all available local file systems;
2 , multiuser mode, All system daemons are running except NFS and other network resource;
3 , multiuser mode , all system and has NFS ,/etc/inittab file default level;
5 , shutdown and power off;
6 , shutdown and reboots to the default run level.
(31),reboot or shutdown system command
init 5 change run level to 5 and poweroff
init 6 reboot system to default run level;
halt shutdwon system ,stop the solaris OE ,change run level to 0
shutdown shutdown -g 30 -i 5 -y ,have grace period;
poweroff immediate shutdown
reboot immediate shutwon and reinitialization system;
useing the solaris OE Print Manager
/user/sadm/admin/bin/printmgr &
(33), administering Printer services
(34), pinter command;
accept ---- permits print requests to the queued
reject ---- prevents print requests from queued
enable ---- activate the specified printers
disable---- deactivates the specified printers
lpmove ---- moves the print requests
(35), useing the CDE process manager
/usr/dt/bin/sdtprocess &
(36), prstat command and the option (必考)
-a ---- displays separate reports
-c ---- continuously prints new reports
-n nproc ---- restricts the number of output lines
-p pidlist ---- reports only on processes that have a PID
-s key ---- sort output lines by key in descending
-S key ---- sort output lines bye key in ascending
-t ---- reports total usage summary for ech user
-u euidlist ---- reports only processes that EUID
-U euidlist ---- reports only processes that real UID
(37), kill and pkill command
1 ----- SIGHUP hangup
2 ----- SIGINT interrupt
9 ----- SIGKILL kill
15 ---- SIGTERM terminate
(3,scheduling an Automatic one-time execution
at command
-m ---- sends mail to the user
-r job ---- removes a scheduled at job from the queue
time ---- specifies a time
-l ---- reports all jobs
date ---- specifies an optional date
(39), at.deny and at.allow file
if at.allow file exists, only the users listed in this at.allow file.
if at.allow file does not exists, all users except for users listed in at.deny;
if neither file exists, only the root can use the at comman;
(40), /var/spool/cron/crontabs
10 3 * * 0 /usr/sbin/log/adm
day of week
cron.allow and cron.deny similar to at.allow and at.deny
(41), mt command
mt -f tape-device-name command count
mt status ---- displays status information about the tape drive;
mt rewind ---- rewind the tape
mt offline ---- rewinds the tape and ,takes the drive offline
mt fsf count ---- moves the tape forward count records
(42), backing up an Unmounted File systems
ufsdump option argument filesystem_name
0-9 ---- back up level
v ------ verify
S ----- size estimate.
l ---- autoload
o ---- offline
u ---- update
n ---- notify
f device ---- specify.
N ---- incrmental backup
e.g. : ufsdump 0uf /dev/rmt/0 /export/home
(43), restor a ufs file system
ufsrestore option argument filsystem
t ---- lists the table of contents of the backup media
r ---- restors the entire file system
x file1 file2 ---- restores only the files
i ---- invoke interactive restore
v ---- verbos mode
f device ---- specifies the tape device name
(44),fssnap command
-d ---- delete the snapshot associated with the geiven file system;
if the -o unlink option was used when you built the snapshot,the
backing-store file is deleted together with th snapshot.
-F FSType ---- specifies the file systme type to be used
-i ------ displays the state of the snapshot
-V ------ echoes the complete command line but does note execute
-o ------ enable you to use special_option
第一章的常用目录是必考内容,以及patchadd command error code 也是必考的,38个error code是需要记住的.
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