1.安装master server
# /cdrom1/install
VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2004 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Installation Options
1 NetBackup
2 NetBackup Client Software
q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: 1
The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on LINUX hardware.
Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files? [y,n] (y) y
NetBackup and Media Manager are normally installed in /usr/openv.
Is it OK to install in /usr/openv? [y,n] (y) y
The Linux clients will be loaded.
Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? [y,n] (y) n
Reading client binaries for /usr/openv/netbackup/client/Linux
+ /bin/cp ./fsanalyze /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/fsanalyze
A NetBackup Server or Enterprise Server license key is needed
for installation to continue.
Enter license key: (输入master licence)
NetBackup Enterprise Server Base product with the following features enabled:
Open File Backup
Remote Client Support
Robotic Library Sharing Support
Remote Media Server Support
Microsoft RSM Robotic Libraries
ADIC DAS/SDLC Robotic Libraries
IBM ATL Robotic Libraries
Fujitsu LMF Robotic Libraries
StorageTek ACS Robotic Libraries
Inline Tape Copy
has been registered.
All additional keys should be added at this time.
Do you want to add additional license keys now? [y,n] (y) n
If this machine will be using a different network interface than the
default (gzdb1), the name of the preferred interface should be used
as the configured server name. If this machine will be part of a
cluster, the virtual name should be used as the configured server name.
The domainname of your server appears to be "(none)".
You may choose to use this domainname in your configured NetBackup server
name, or simply use "gzdb1" as the configured NetBackup server name.
Would you like to use "gzdb1.(none)" as the configured
name of the NetBackup server? [y,n] (y) n (选n)
Enter the name of the NetBackup server: gzdb1 (手工填写本机名,可不用域名)
Is gzdb1 the master server? [y,n] (y) (问本机是否是master server,选y)
Do you have any media servers? [y,n] (n) (问有无其他media server,暂无选n)
To change these entries modify the file /tmp/services.ov_edited.27459
and enter when ready to continue: (按回车继续)
Sending SIGHUP to xinetd process.
Reloading configuration: [ OK ] (系统的xinetd服务必须已启动)
Enter which host will store the global device database.
(default: gzdb1): (问全局库的主机,如默认显示是master server就按回车,否及手工输入)
Starting the NetBackup database manager process (bpdbm).
Do you want to create policy and schedule examples that you can view or use
when you are configuring your own policies and schedules? [y,n] (y) (问是否创建备份策略调度列表及事例,选y)
安装过程在创建policy and schedule
Do you want to start the Media Manager device daemon processes? [y,n] (y) (问是否启动Media Manager服务,选y)
Starting the Media Manager device daemon processes.
Do you want to start the NetBackup bprd process so
backups and restores can be initiated? [y,n] (y) (问备份恢复服务是否启动,选y)
Starting the NetBackup request daemon process (bprd).
Done executing NB.inst
VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2004 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Installation Options
1 NetBackup
2 NetBackup Client Software
q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: (安装完毕,选q退出)
(2) 编辑.bash_profile
执行使生效:#. ./.bash_profile
执行bpps -a查看进程,应有以下进程
# bpps -a
NB Processes
root 27633 1 0 11:23 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm
root 27906 1 0 11:23 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd
root 27635 27633 0 11:23 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjobd
MM Processes
root 27613 1 0 11:23 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmd
SERVER = gzdb1
SERVER = gzwebdb
SERVER = gzwebdbbak
MEDIA_SERVER = gzwebdb
MEDIA_SERVER = gzwebdbbak
注:SERVER--〉包括master server 和media server;
MEDIA_SERVER--〉包括master server 和media server。
2)用netbackup stop停止netbackup服务;
There are 3 packs available in /data/veritas_inst:
(* denotes installed pack)
Enter pack name (or q) [q]: NB_51_4_M (在列表里选择第一个补丁)
Pack NB_51_4_M requires the following pack levels(s) :
Pack NB_51_4_M will not be installed at this time.
Installing required pack, NB_CLT_51_4_M, now.
Pack NB_CLT_51_4_M co-requires the following pack level(s) :
Install pack NB_CLT_51_4_M Wed Feb 15 14:56:14 CST 2006 Rev.
Performing install of Linux/RedHat2.4 client binaries locally.
Running preinstall script.
Installation of pack NB_51_4_M completed Wed Feb 15 14:56:14 CST 2006 Rev.
There are 3 packs available in /data/veritas_inst:
(* denotes installed pack)
NB_51_4_M *
NB_CLT_51_4_M *
Enter pack name (or q) [q]: (打*号表示已安装的补丁,master server不需安装NB_ORA_51_4_M,选q退出)
4)执行netbackup start重新启动服务。
2.安装media server
# /cdrom1/install
VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2004 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Installation Options
1 NetBackup
2 NetBackup Client Software
q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: 1
The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on LINUX hardware.
Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files? [y,n] (y) y
NetBackup and Media Manager are normally installed in /usr/openv.
Is it OK to install in /usr/openv? [y,n] (y) y
The Linux clients will be loaded.
Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? [y,n] (y) n
Reading client binaries for /usr/openv/netbackup/client/Linux
+ /bin/cp ./fsanalyze /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/fsanalyze
A NetBackup Server or Enterprise Server license key is needed
for installation to continue.
Enter license key: (输入master licence)
NetBackup Enterprise Server Base product with the following features enabled:
Open File Backup
Remote Client Support
Robotic Library Sharing Support
Remote Media Server Support
Microsoft RSM Robotic Libraries
ADIC DAS/SDLC Robotic Libraries
IBM ATL Robotic Libraries
Fujitsu LMF Robotic Libraries
StorageTek ACS Robotic Libraries
Inline Tape Copy
has been registered.
All additional keys should be added at this time.
Do you want to add additional license keys now? [y,n] (y) n
If this machine will be using a different network interface than the
default (gzwebdb), the name of the preferred interface should be used
as the configured server name. If this machine will be part of a
cluster, the virtual name should be used as the configured server name.
The domainname of your server appears to be "(none)".
You may choose to use this domainname in your configured NetBackup server
name, or simply use "gzwebdb" as the configured NetBackup server name.
Would you like to use "gzwebdb.(none)" as the configured
name of the NetBackup server? [y,n] (y) n (选n)
Enter the name of the NetBackup server: gzwebdb (手工填写本机名,可不用域名)
Is gzdb1 the master server? [y,n] (n) (问本机是否是master server,选n)
What is the fully qualified name of the master server? gzdb1 (在此输入master server的主机名,如“gzdb1”)
To change these entries modify the file /tmp/services.ov_edited.27459
and enter when ready to continue: (按回车继续)
Sending SIGHUP to xinetd process.
Reloading configuration: [ OK ] (系统的xinetd服务必须已启动)
Enter global device database host (default: gzdb1): (问全局库的主机,如默认显示是master server就按回车,否及手工输入)
Do you want to start the Media Manager device daemon processes? [y,n] (y) (问是否启动Media Manager服务,选y)
Starting the Media Manager device daemon processes.
Done executing NB.inst
VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2004 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Installation Options
1 NetBackup
2 NetBackup Client Software
q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: (安装完毕,选q退出)
执行使生效:#. ./.bash_profile
执行bpps -a查看进程,应有以下进程
# bpps -a
NB Processes
MM Processes
root 27613 1 0 11:23 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmd
SERVER = gzdb1
SERVER = gzwebdb
SERVER = gzwebdbbak
MEDIA_SERVER = gzwebdb
MEDIA_SERVER = gzwebdbbak
注:SERVER--〉包括master server 和media server;
MEDIA_SERVER--〉包括master server 和media server。
(4)安装oracle agent
因为media server作为client端,需要在线备份oracle数据库,所以要安装database agent用以数据库的备份。
1) 进入加载database agent的光盘或IOS目录
cd /cdrom2
# ./install
VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2004 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Installation Options
1 NetBackup Add-On Product Software
2 NetBackup Database Agent Software
q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: 2
There are two ways to install database agent software.
1. Remote Installation: Loads the software on a master server with
the intent of pushing database software out to affected clients.
2. Local Installation: Loads and installs the software only to this
local machine.
Do you want to do a local installation? [y,n] (n) 2
You have entered an invalid option.
Do you want to do a local installation? [y,n] (n) y
NetBackup Database Agent Installation
Choose the Database Agents you wish to install
one at a time or select Install All Database Agents.
1) NetBackup for DB2
2) NetBackup for Informix
3) NetBackup for Lotus Notes
4) NetBackup for Oracle
5) NetBackup for SAP
6) NetBackup for Sybase
7) Install All Database Agents
q) Done Selecting Agents
x) Exit from this Script
Select the Oracle option if upgrading any of the
following: Oracle, Oracle on UNIX Advanced BLI Agent,
Oracle ServerFree Agent or Database Archiver.
The packages have been combined.
Choose an option: 4 (选4,安装oracle类型)
Choose an option: q (如没其他类型的数据库,默认q退出选择状态)
You have chosen to install these Database Agents:
NetBackup for Oracle
Is this list correct? [y,n] (y) (显示当前选择的database 类型,选y开始安装)
Of the agents selected, the following are supported
on this platform and will be installed:
Loading the Database Agent packages into the
/usr/openv/netbackup/dbext directory and installing.
Installing NetBackup for Oracle
NetBackup for Oracle installation completed.
Execution of ./install_dbext is complete.
Execution of ./install is complete.
File /tmp/install_options_trace.27635 contains a trace of this install.
VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2004 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Installation Options
1 NetBackup Add-On Product Software
2 NetBackup Database Agent Software
q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]:
2)用netbackup stop停止netbackup服务;
There are 3 packs available in /data/veritas_inst:
(* denotes installed pack)
Enter pack name (or q) [q]: NB_51_4_M (在列表里选择第一个补丁)
Pack NB_51_4_M requires the following pack levels(s) :
Pack NB_51_4_M will not be installed at this time.
Installing required pack, NB_CLT_51_4_M, now.
Pack NB_CLT_51_4_M co-requires the following pack level(s) :
Install pack NB_CLT_51_4_M Wed Feb 15 14:56:14 CST 2006 Rev.
Performing install of Linux/RedHat2.4 client binaries locally.
Running preinstall script.
Installation of pack NB_51_4_M completed Wed Feb 15 14:56:14 CST 2006 Rev.
There are 3 packs available in /data/veritas_inst:
(* denotes installed pack)
NB_51_4_M *
NB_CLT_51_4_M *
Enter pack name (or q) [q]: NB_ORA_51_4_M (在列表里选择ORA补丁)
Install pack NB_ORA_51_4_M Wed Feb 15 14:56:14 CST 2006 Rev.
Please pick one of the following methods for installing this database pack.
1. Remote Installation: Loads the software on a master server with
the intent of pushing the pack out to affected clients.
2. Local Installation: Loads and installs the pack only to this
local machine.
Enter option (or q) [q]: 2
Saving pre-existing binaries.
Running preinstall script.
Installation of pack NB_ORA_51_4_M completed Wed Feb 15 15:16:14 CST 2006 Rev.
There are 3 packs available in /data/veritas_inst:
(* denotes installed pack)
NB_51_4_M *
NB_CLT_51_4_M *
NB_ORA_51_4_M *
Enter pack name (or q) [q]: (打*号表示已安装的补丁,选q退出)
4)执行netbackup start重新启动服务。
1)用图形工具,如VNC打开master server图形界面,新建一个终端窗口。
2)运行/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbSA命令出现“Netbackup Admin Console”界面。
2.配置Storage Units
在“Storage Units”处配置master server和media server的备份设备。
master server:
"Storage unit name"输入gzdb1-disk
"NerBackup media server"输入gzdb1
"Storage unit tupe"选disk
"Absolute pathname to directory"输入/backup
media server:
"Storage unit name"输入gzwebdb-disk
"NerBackup media server"输入gzwebdb
"Storage unit tupe"选disk
"Absolute pathname to directory"输入/backup
如此将所有media server的主机都新建起来。
1)点左窗口的最上方的“gzdb1(Master Server)”->再选右边的“Configure the Catalog Backup”配置向导;
2)按提示操作选择,一直下一步直到Master server和所有的media server的备份信息目录都显示出来,按“OK”保存退出;
3)右键点左窗口的“Catalog”选“Configure the Catalog Backup”,出现配置窗口;
“Attributes”栏:“Mdia1”-〉选diak,-〉“Media density”备份目录名如输入/backup/catalog
“Schedule”栏: 选择“After each session of scheduled,user,or manual backups”
“Attributes”栏:“Policy”选oracle,->“Policy storage unit”选要备份的主机本地的unit,如gzwebdb-disk;
1 Days,->“Retention”选保存的时间,如保存一周选1 week;“start window”->根据需要设置备份策略启动周期的时间,保存按“OK”
“Backup Selections”栏:按“new”手工输入备份脚本的路径,如/u01/oracle/ora920/backup/back_fulldb.sh
2)可对策略进行手工备份,选定设定好策略,按右键选“Manual backup...”,及开始备份。备份过程状态可在窗口的“Activity Monitor
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