public class Test{
public static int a;
private Test(){
如果属性被修饰为static静态类资源,那么这个字段永远只有一个,也就是说不管你new test()多少个类的对象,操作的永远都只是属于类的那一块内存资源.例如:
Test t1=new Test();
Test t2=new Test();
2.final 用于声明属性,方法和类,分别表示属性一旦被分配内存空间就必须初始化并且以后不可变,方法一旦定义必须有实现代码并且子类里不可被覆盖,类一旦定义不能被定义为抽象类或是接口,因为不可被继承。
3. 被final修饰而没有被static修饰的类的属性变量只能在两种情况下初始化:
public class Test{
public final int a=0;
private Test(){
public class Test{
public final int a;
private Test(){
public class Test{
public final int a=0;
private Test(){
public class Test{
public final int a;
2。一般情况下是定义时直接初始化如:final int i=3;
但也可以定义时不初始化,叫blank final,如 final int bi;
final int i;//blank final
//i=3; error!不可再次赋值
static final int s;
static { s=3;}//静态构造块
//static final int s; error!
final int ai;
{ ai = 3; }//这种叫什么的,估且称之为实例初始化块吧(instance
public Contructor(){ai=3;}//构造函数中
public Contructor(int in){ai=in;}//构造函数中
final int [] array={1,2,3};//一个由三个数字组成的数组。
array[1]=9;//array == {1,9,3}
// array=new int[6]; error!
Please go through the following information carefully. A final var
means what ? It HAS TO HAVE a final value which CAN NOT BE CHANGED ,
So having said that, there are 2 types of final vars. 1. instance
final vars. 2. class level (static) final vars. instance final var
like in case 1 in the foll. example given, "final int
instFinalVar1=100" means the var instFinalVar1 has a final value as
100 throughout the instance's lifetime and we CAN NOT change its value
once we create an instance as "new Test(...)" statement.
We can maximum USE this assigned final value. In this context of this
final var discussion , I assume you know the initialization sequence
of any class. It is
1.static initialization
All static vars and static floating blocks are run first AS IN THE
SAME ORDER AS WRITTEN in the source java program.
2.instance initialization
All instance vars and instance floating blocks are run next AS IN THE
SAME ORDER AS WRITTEN in the source java program.
3.constructor is run
Let us take the instance final var case. We know that it has to have a
value and that value has to be explicitly given by the programmer. The
default values are NOT given for a final var. Even if it is a 0(zero)
value for an 'instance final int' type var, it has to be explicitly
given as "final int var1=0;" like that. So the bottomline is instance
final var has to have a value when an instance of the class is
constructed .
In the previous version of Java1.0 (I think) all instance final vars
HAVE TO BE INITIALIZED when thay are DECLARED ITLSEF. In other words
we have to write like this. "final int var1=10;". But latter in Java 2
,the designers allowed little flexiblity. What if the final var has to
have different values ACCORDING TO THE CONSTRUCTOR of the class used
to construct the instance of the class?. To allow this, they changed
the specification of the language as, "the final var has to have an
explicit value by the programmer, but it can be given either in the
declaration statement itself OR in a FOLLOWING instance floating block
(also called as instance initializers) OR in ALL CONSTRUCTORS of the
given class".
Which also means before the constructed instance is used the final
vars HAVE TO HAVE A VALUE. So we can go UPTO the constructors to init
them. Also note that if we choose to initialize an instance final var
through constructors, we have to init the var in ALL constructors. If
we think logically also, another programmer may call ANY ONE OF the
available constructors of this class to create an instance of the
class right? We can't rescrict them. So we HAVE to provide the
initializaion in ALL constructors. But the values can be anything,
need not be same.
This is story of 'instance final var' initialization and why and when
should we init them.
Simillarly for the 2nd case 'static final ' vars, the story is little
different. 'static var' means what? It is nothing to do with any
particular instance right? So , this static final vars also HAVE TO
HAVE a value explicitly assigned by the programmer and this init has
to happen either in the declaration statement itself like 'static
final int var1=100;' OR in one of FOLLOWING static floating blocks
(also called as static initializers). Also note that in both cases
instance final var and static final vars, once we assigned a value
means we CAN'T CHANGE them again. That the meaning of 'final' keyword
right?. Since static final vars are common for the class as a whole,
the init of static final vars has to happen only in the 2 cases
explained in this paragraph. They can't be assigned a value in
constructors as we have seen in the case of instance final vars.
Also please go through the following example code carefully. This code
explains what I have written here. Also feel free to ask anything at
maha anna
class Test { //case 1 final int instFinalVar1 = 100; //This
is ok //case 2 final int instFinalVar2; {
//init in instance floating block instFinalVar2 = 200;
//This is ok } //case 3 final int instFinalVar3;
Test(){ /* We MUST init the instance final var in
ALL constructors of this class ,since instFinalVar3 is NOT
INITIALIZED either in declaration or in any instance
floating blocks. (also called as instance initializers)
*/ instFinalVar3=10; //instFinalVar3=100;
//THis is NOT ok . Once we assign a value to a final var we CAN NOT
//chnage it afterwards } //constructor 2 Test(String s) {
/* We MUST init the instance final var in ALL
constructors of this class ,since instFinalVar3 is NOT
INITIALIZED either in declaration or in any instance
floating blocks. (also called as instance initializers)
*/ instFinalVar3=20; } //constructor 3
Test(int i) { /* We MUST init the instance
final var in ALL constructors of this class ,since
instFinalVar3 is NOT INITIALIZED either in declaration or
in any instance floating blocks. (also called as
instance initializers) */ instFinalVar3=30;
} //case 4 static final int staticFinalVar1 = 10; //this
is ok//case 5 static final int staticFinalVar2; static{
/*init in static floating block and this has to be
written AFTER this "static final int staticFinalVar2;"
declaration statement in the source java program file.
Otherwise forward reference problem occur. This holds
true for case2 also. Check the foll case6. */
staticFinalVar2 = 200; //This is ok }//case 6 static{ /*init
in static floating block and this has to be written AFTER this
"static final int staticFinalVar3;" declaration statement in the
source java program file. Otherwise forward reference problem
occur. This holds true for case2 also. */ staticFinalVar3 = 300;
//This is NOT ok } static final int staticFinalVar3;
//THis is NOT ok //This declaration has to be written before
the above //static floating block (also called as static
//initializing block)}
For local final variable , delay initialization is permitted.
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