分类: 系统运维
2010-01-15 19:32:26
2.配置虚拟交换机的域(Virtual Switch Domain and Switch Numbers)
3.配置两台交换机之间的VSL 端口。(利用引擎上的2个万兆光口进行连接)
Command |
Purpose |
Step 1 |
Switch-1(config)# redundancy |
Enters redundancy configuration mode. |
Step 2 |
Switch-1(config-red)# mode sso |
Configures SSO. When this command is entered, the redundant supervisor engine is reloaded and begins to work in SSO mode. |
Step 3 |
Switch-1(config-red)# exit |
Exits redundancy configuration mode. |
Step 4 |
Switch-1# show running-config |
Verifies that SSO are configured and enabled. |
Step 5 |
Switch-1# show redundancy states |
Displays the operating redundancy mode. |
Command |
Purpose |
Step 1 |
Switch-2(config)# redundancy |
Enters redundancy configuration mode. |
Step 2 |
Switch-2(config-red)# mode sso |
Configures SSO. When this command is entered, the redundant supervisor engine is reloaded and begins to work in SSO mode. |
Step 3 |
Switch-2(config-red)# exit |
Exits redundancy configuration mode. |
Step 4 |
Switch-2# show running-config |
Verifies that SSO are configured and enabled. |
Step 5 |
Switch-2# show redundancy states |
Displays the operating redundancy mode. |
2.配置虚拟交换机的域(Virtual Switch Domain and Switch Numbers)
Command |
Purpose |
Step 1 |
Switch-1(config)# switch virtual domain 100 |
Configures the virtual switch domain on Chassis A.(id可自定义) |
Step 2 |
Switch-1(config-vs-domain)# switch 1 |
Configures Chassis A as virtual switch number 1. |
Step 3 |
Switch-1(config-vs-domain)# exit |
Exits config-vs-domain. |
Command |
Purpose |
Step 1 |
Switch-2(config)# switch virtual domain 100 |
Configures the virtual switch domain on Chassis B. (id可自定义) |
Step 2 |
Switch-2(config-vs-domain)# switch 2 |
Configures Chassis B as virtual switch number 2. |
Step 3 |
Switch-2(config-vs-domain)# exit |
Exits config-vs-domain. |
3.配置两台交换机之间的VSL 端口。(利用引擎上的2个万兆光口进行连接)
Command |
Purpose |
Step 1 |
Switch-1(config)# interface port-channel 10 |
Configures port channel 10 on Switch 1. (id可自定义,两端的id不一样) |
Step 2 |
Switch-1(config-if)# switch virtual link 1 |
Associates Switch 1 as owner of port channel 10. |
Step 3 |
Switch-1(config-if)# no shutdown |
Activates the port channel. |
Step 4 |
Switch-1(config-if)# exit |
Exits interface configuration. |
Command |
Purpose |
Step 1 |
Switch-2(config)# interface port-channel 20 |
Configures port channel 20 on Switch 2. (id可自定义,两端的id不一样) |
Step 2 |
Switch-2(config-if)# switch virtual link 2 |
Associates Switch 2 as owner of port channel 20. |
Step 3 |
Switch-2(config-if)# no shutdown |
Activates the port channel. |
Step 4 |
Switch-2(config-if)# exit |
Exits interface configuration mode. |
Command |
Purpose |
Step 1 |
Switch-1(config)# interface range tengigabitethernet 3/1-2 |
Enters configuration mode for interface range tengigabitethernet 3/1-2 on Switch 1. |
Step 2 |
Switch-1(config-if)# channel-group 10 mode on |
Adds this interface to channel group 10. |
Step 3 |
witch-1(config-if)# no shutdown |
Activates the port. |
Command |
Purpose |
Step 1 |
Switch-2(config)# interface range tengigabitethernet 5/2-3 |
Enters configuration mode for interface range tengigabitethernet 5/2-3 on Switch 2. |
Step 2 |
Switch-2(config-if)# channel-group 20 mode on |
Adds this interface to channel group 20. |
Step 3 |
Switch-2(config-if)# no shutdown |
Activates the port. |
Command |
Purpose |
Step 1 |
Switch-1# show platform hardware pfc mode |
Ensures that the PFC operating mode matches on both chassis, to ensure that the VSS comes up in SSO redundancy mode. |
Step 2 |
Switch-2# show platform hardware pfc mode |
Ensures that the PFC operating mode matches on both chassis, to ensure that the VSS comes up in SSO redundancy mode. |
Step 3 |
Switch-1(config)# platform hardware vsl pfc mode pfc3c |
(Optional) Sets the PFC operating mode to PFC3C on Chassis A. |
Step 4 |
Switch-2(config)# platform hardware vsl pfc mode pfc3c |
(Optional) Sets the PFC operating mode to PFC3C on Chassis B. |
Command |
Purpose |
Switch-1# switch convert mode virtual |
Converts Switch 1 to virtual switch mode. After you enter the command, you are prompted to confirm the action. Enter yes. The system creates a converted configuration file, and saves the file to the RP bootflash. |
Command |
Purpose |
Switch-2# switch convert mode virtual |
Converts Switch 2 to virtual switch mode. After you enter the command, you are prompted to confirm the action. Enter yes. The system creates a converted configuration file, and saves the file to the RP bootflash. |
Command |
Purpose |
Router# show switch virtual |
Displays the virtual switch domain number, and the switch number and role for each of the chassis. |
Router# show switch virtual role |
Displays the role, switch number, and priority for each of the chassis in the VSS. |
Router# show switch virtual link |
Displays the status of the VSL. |
The following example shows the information output from these commands:
Router# show switch virtual
Switch mode : Virtual Switch
Virtual switch domain number : 100
Local switch number : 1
Local switch operational role: Virtual Switch Active
Peer switch number : 2
Peer switch operational role : Virtual Switch Standby
Router# show switch virtual role
Switch Switch Status Preempt Priority Role Session ID
Number Oper(Conf) Oper(Conf) Local Remote
LOCAL 1 UP FALSE(N) 100(100) ACTIVE 0 0
REMOTE 2 UP FALSE(N) 100(100) STANDBY 8158 1991
In dual-active recovery mode: No
Router# show switch virtual link
VSL Status: UP
VSL Uptime: 4 hours, 26 minutes
VSL SCP Ping: Pass OK
VSL ICC (Ping): Pass
VSL Control Link: Te 1/5/1