su - username 重新加载读取$HOME/.profile文件
su username 不会重新加载读取.profile文件,即使.profile文件被修改,要使修改生效,必须重新用该用户登陆
POWER是(Performance Optimized With Enhanced Risc)简称
Risc(Reduced Instruction Set Computing)
/var/adm/sulog(this is an ASCII text file)
This makes it easy to record access as the superuser,Normal logins are recored in ther file /var/adm/wtmp
who /var/adm/wtmp 查看wtmp内容
Unit 2 System Management Interface Tool(SMIT)
System Management
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Software Installation and Maintenance
Software License Management
System Storage Management (Physical & Logical Storage)
Security & Users
Communications Applications and Services
Print Spooling
Advanced Accounting
Problem Determination
Performance & Resource Scheduling
System Environments
Processes & Subsystems
Installation Assistant
Cluster Systems Management
Using SMIT (information only)
F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel Esc+8=Image
Esc+9=Shell Esc+0=Exit Enter=Do
export TERM=vt320
(When using SMIT in the ASCII mode,the menus and dialog panels sometimes come up distorted .That is the result of not having an appropriate TERM variable value.Setting and exporting this variable can solve the problem)
$HOME/smit.log(Audit log entries,keeps a log of all menu and dialog screens visited,all commands executed and their output.Also records any errors during the SMIT session.)
$HOME/smit.script(List of commands,shell script containing all AIX commands executed by SMIT)
IBM System Director Console for AIX
Unit 3 System startup and shutdown
Startup modes
一、Normal mode
1、login prompt
2、All processes running
3、Multi-user mode
二、System Management Services
1、Not AIX
2、Runs from FIRMWARE
3、Set boot list
三、Maintenance mode
1、Maintenance menu
2、Recover root password
3、Fix machine that won't boot
1、AIX diagnostics
SMS(System Management Services)
#bootinfo -p (To view the architecture type)
rs6k MAC model
rspc PCI model(POWER Reference Platform)
chrp PCI model (Common Hardware Reference)
#bootinfo -y (To view the bit addressing)
32 32-bit
64 64-bit
The alog command:
#alog -o -t boot (To view the boot log)
#smit alog
#smit system (manage the system environment)
#smit mlang (manage Language Environment)
#smit update_all
#oslevel -r
#smit install
#smit install_update (Install and Update Software)
#smit list_installed
#lslpp -l "bos.*" (list installed software bos.*)
#smit service_software
#smit compare_report
#smit maintain_software
#smit devices
#lsdev -P -H
#lsdev -Pc tape
#lsdev -C -H
#lsattr -EH -l sys0
#lsattr -E -l sys0 -a realmem
#smit fs
#lsvg -l rootvg
#mount /dev/lv00 /home/patsie 把/dev/lv00挂载到/home/patsie下
#smit lvm (logical volume manager)
#smit vg (volume groups)
#lsvg -o
#lsvg -p rootvg (list volume group information,physical volumes)
#smit mkvg (add a volume group)
#mkvg -s 2048 newvg hdisk1 (增加一个物理分区为2G的卷组newvg)
#smit vgsc (set characteristics of a volume group)
#smit chvg (change a volume group)
JFS versus JFS2 file systems
maximum File Size Architectural/Tested 64Gigabytes/64Gigabytes
maximum Files system size architectural/Tested 1 Terabyte/1 Terabyte
Inode size 128Bytes
Number of inodes Fixed,set at creation
Directory File Access Sequential
Journal Log support External JFSlog only
Compression Yes
Quotas Yes
maximum File Size Architectural/Tested 1 Petabyte/1 Terabyte
maximum Files system size architectural/Tested 4 Petabytes/ 1 Terabyte
Inode size 512 Bytes
Number of inodes Dynamic
Directory File Access B-tree
Journal Log support Inline or Externam JFS2log
Compression No
Quotas AIX 5L V5.3 and later
1 Petabyte (PB) = 1024 Terabytes (TB)
1 Terabyte (TB) = 1024 Gigabyes (GB)
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