Here are the steps for OpenServer 5.0.6
1) Make a directory in which to store the ssh server package:
# mkdir /tmp/ssh
2) Download the following to /tmp/ssh: Alternate download location:
3) CSSA-2002-SCO.10.txt states that the ssh server package depends on
prngd and zlib. The prngd (pseudo random number generator daemon)
package enables OpenServer to generate random numbers. The zlib
package is a compression library.
Make temporary directories for these packages:
# mkdir /tmp/prngd
# mkdir /tmp/zlib
And download the prngd and zlib packages into these directories:
4) Extract the ssh, prngd, and zlib packages:
# cd /tmp/ssh
# tar xvf openssh-3.1p1-VOLS.tar
# cd /tmp/prngd
# tar xvf prngd-0.9.23-VOLS.tar
# cd /tmp/zlib
# tar xvf zlib-1.1.4-VOLS.tar
After extracting these packages, you will see VOL files (with names
such as VOL.000.000) in each of these three directories. VOL files
are package images that can be installed using scoadmin 's Software
Manager utility.
5) Run scoadmin-->Software Manager
6) From the menu select: Software-->Install
7) You will be prompted:
"What host (machine) do you want to install from?"
Select "From machine" where machine is the name of your machine.
Do not select "From another host".
8) Click "Continue"
9) You will be prompted:
Insert media, and select media device."
Select "Media Images" from the pull down menu.
10) You will be prompted:
"Enter the full path to the directory containing media images."
Type "/tmp/zlib".
11) Repeat steps 6 through 10 for /tmp/prngd. You'll be asked to
assign a password to a Unix account called prngd. Don't worry,
it will create the account for you.
12) Start prngd manually:
# /usr/local/sbin/prngd /usr/local/var/prngd/prngd-pool &
NOTE: This will start prngd, but prngd will not start again on
the next reboot. To make this occur every time the system
boots, add the command above to the bottom of
/etc/rc2.d/P88USRDEFINE. Don't put in the pound sign.
13) Run Software Manager once more and install the media images in
/tmp/ssh. See steps 6 through 10. You will see a message similar
to the following:
Your identification has been saved in /usr/local/etc/ssh_host_key.
Your public key has been saved in /usr/local/etc/
The key finger print is:
14) Start sshd manually:
# /usr/local/sbin/sshd &
Again, to make this occur every time the system boots, add the
command above to the bottom of /etc/rc2.d/P88USRDEFINE.