2009-06-09 22:01:16
This how-to comes with no guaratees other than the fact that these code segments were copy/pasted from code that I wrote and ran successfully.
sub read_file { my ( $f ) = @_; open F, "< $f" or die "Can't open $f : $!"; my @f =; close F; return wantarray ? @f : \@f; }
sub write_file { my ( $f, @data ) = @_; @data = () unless @data; open F, "> $f" or die "Can't open $f : $!"; print F @data; close F; }
open( FILE, "< $filename" ) or die "Can't open $filename : $!";
while() { print; }
close FILE;
my $infile = 'foo.txt'; my $outfile = 'bar.txt';
open IN, "< $infile" or die "Can't open $infile : $!"; open OUT, "> $outfile" or die "Can't open $outfile : $!"; print OUT; close IN; close OUT;
Read the file content using a while
loop. For each line read,
ignore the comments, and skip blank lines. Push all other lines of data into
an array named lines. The chomp is done after the comment and blank
line portion inorder to avoid unnecessary processing time.
while() {
s/#.*//; # ignore comments by erasing them next if /^(\s)*$/; # skip blank lines
chomp; # remove trailing newline characters
push @lines, $_; # push the data line onto the array }
sub read_file { my( $filename ) = shift; my @lines;
open( FILE, "< $filename" ) or die "Can't open $filename : $!";
while() {
s/#.*//; # ignore comments by erasing them next if /^(\s)*$/; # skip blank lines
chomp; # remove trailing newline characters
push @lines, $_; # push the data line onto the array }
close FILE;
return \@lines; # reference }