2010-02-01 21:58:47
VLC多媒体播放器(最初命名为VideoLAN客户端)是VideoLAN计划的多媒体播放器。它支持众多音频与视 频解码器及档案格式,并支持DVD影碟,VCD影碟及各类串流协定。它亦能作为unicast 或 multicast的串流伺服器在IPv4 或 IPv6的高速网路连线下使用。它融合了FFmpeg计划的解码器与libdvdcss程式库使其有播放多媒体档案及加密DVD影碟的功能。另外值得注意的是, VLC 1.1 即将发布.
Changes between 1.0.4 and 1.0.5:
* SubRip extra styles improvements
* Fix potential crashes in SSA and svg decoders Mac OS X Interface:
* Improved support for the 2009 Apple Remote Windows port:
* Use of gcc 4.4.2 to compile instead of gcc 4.2. This might slightly increase performance and fix x264 issues Translations:
* Portuguese Brazilian, Lithunanian, Romanian, Ukranian, Japanese, Bengali, Walloon, Galician, Danish, Khmer, Polish, Slovenian, Vietnamese, Finnish Russian, Slovak translation updates
* New Malayalam, Macedoninan, Nynorsk translations