2009-03-08 00:10:18
流行的音乐播放器 Amarok 的开发小组已将其更新至 2.0.2 版本。Amarok 2.0.2 开发代号为“Only Time Will Tell”,是 2.0 稳定分支的更新版。
Amarok 开发团队表示,目前他们已将主要精力用来开发 2.1 版本的新特性。但对于 版中的严重错误及缺陷仍然要作修正。
以下为 Amarok 2.0.2 的 Changlog:
* Show a statusbar message when loving a lastfm track.
* Show error message when Wikipedia information cannot be retrieved.Bugfixes
* Fix showing of book information from the LibriVox service.
* Don’t crash if a script has uncaught exceptions.
* Open ogg files in Amarok when using Dolphin and other file managers. Patch thanks to Lubos Lunak . (BR 180155)
* Fix podcast episodes not ordered right because of incorrect parsing of pubdate. (BR 181338)
* Fix crash in tagdialog when editing tracks without an artist. (BR 183180)
* Statistics were not calculated properly in all instances. (BR 182025)
* Compilation fixes on Open Solaris.
* Trim URL before adding a new podcast.
* Add Ok button to the podcast configuration dialog to improve usability. (BR 181339)
* Add tooltips to now playing widget icons.
* Fix not possible to download episodes from newly added podcast channel. (BR 180851)
Amarok 2.0.2 可从其官方主页下载。