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2010-09-17 13:40:04

  1. Build from command line (use ant)
    • Create build.xml
      1. For old sdk (such 1.5)
        activitycreator --out
      2. For new sdk
        android update project -t -p
        Notes: you can run 'android list target' list all supported targets. the relationship among sdk version, api level, and target are:
        SDK Ver       API Level       Target
        1.5           3               1
        1.6           4               2
        2.1           7               3
        2.2           8               4
      3. xxx
    • Build
      Run 'ant [debug|release]' on command line to start build.
    • xxx
  2. Proguard
    1. Intro
      The ProGuard tool shrinks, optimizes, and obfuscates your code by removing unused code and renaming classes, fields, and methods with semantically obscure names. 
    2. Docs

    3. Command
      • keep
        1. What need to be kept
          All classes name and methodes that will be accessed out of application need to be kept, such as:
          • Native methods
          • The class name and methods that are referenced in JNI
          • The constructor of classes that will be initiated by System
        2. What need NOT to be kept
          • Methods inherit from classes defined in SDK
          • private method/fields
          • the methods/files that are only used with in app
        3. xxx
      • keepattributes
        1. InnerClasses
          Preserve the name of inner class, so that the inner class be referenced outside of outer class. By default, the name of inner class is OuterClass$InnerClass, while if this attribute is present, the name of inner class becomes InnerClass.
        2. xxx
      • xxx
    4. FAQ
      • [Question] Class members to be accessed in JNI are removed after optimized by ProGuard even if you added the following lines:
        [Solution] Modify the line as following:
        -keep {

        i.e. if you want to prevent helloworld.output from being removed, you need to add the following lines:
        -keep class com.helloworld {
            public void output(int, java.lang.String);
    5. Issue
      • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
        1. Reverse .apk
          Please refer to:
        2. Check the reversed source code to see which classes and/or their methods should be preserved but actually they are obfuscated. To resolve this issue, just keep corresponding classes name and/or methods name.
      • Unknown Source
        App crashes on launch when built with Proguard 4.3 due to verify errors

      • xxx
    6. xxx
  3. xxx
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