- Docs
- Mannage Android Virtual Device from UI
- http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/devices/index.html
- http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/devices/managing-avds.html
- Mannage Android Virtual Device from command line
- http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/devices/managing-avds-cmdline.html
- Use Android Emulator/Simulator
- http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/devices/emulator.html
- xxx
- How to start emulator
- Hotkey
- Startup options
- Create sdcard image
- xxx
- Copy files
- Error: Read-only
$adb remount
- Error: Out of memory (adb push xxx /system/lib/xxx)
$emulator -avd youravdname -partition-size 512
- Enable hardware keyboard
1st way:
Add: hw.keyboard=yes
To: ~/.android/avd/.avd/config.ini
2nd way:
From Eclipse, Go to AVD Mananger.
- Select the particular AVD and click on Edit
- Go to the Hardware section, click on New.
- Select the Property Name : Keyboard Support
- By default, it is added with a value of 'no'. Just click on the value column and change it to 'yes'.
- Click on Edit AVD again.
- xxx
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