- Class Rererence
- Basic
- BOOL (the value can be YES or NO)
- NSxxx
The base class is NSObect.
- NSInteger
- NSNumber
- NSString
- NSDate
- NSData
- Connection
- NSThread
- NSURLConnection
- NSFormatter
- NSDateFormatter
- NSNumberFormatter
- Locale
- NSLocale
- NSLocalizedString
- Notification Center
- NSNotificationCenter
- NSNotificationQueue
- NSDistributedNotificationCenter
- NSNotification
- File & File System
- File
- Property List: CFPropertyListRef
- Archive: NSKeyedArchiver
- NSFileHandle
Open/Close, read/write in sync/async mode, seek, sync, truncate file at offset, ...
- fopen/fread/fwrite/fclose
- mmap/munmap
- File System
- NSFileManager
Move, copy, remove, create, link, symbolic link, compare, get/set attributes, ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- UIxxx
- UIApplication, UIApplicationDelegate
- UIScreen
- UIViewController
- UINavigationController
- UINavigationBar
- UINavigationItem
- UIBarButtonItem
- UITabBarController
- UITabBar
- UITabBarItem
- xxx
- UIDevice
- UIBarItem
- UIResponder
- UIView (This is base class)
- UIWindow
- UILabel: Display static text string
- UIPickerView
- Progress View
- UIProgressView
- UIActivityIndicatorView (This one is suitable if you don't know how long the task will take)
- UIImageView
- UIToolBar
- UITabBar
- UINavigationBar
- UIAlertView (UIAlertViewDelegate)
- UIActionSheet (UIActionSheetDelegate)
- UIScrollView
- UITableView
- UITableViewCell (Represent a row of table view)
- UITableViewDataSource
- UITableViewDelegate
- UITableBar
- UITextView(UITextViewDelegate): Display multiple lines of editable text
- UISearchBar
- UIWebView
- UIControl
- UIButton
- UITextField(UITextFieldDelegate): Display a single line of editable text
- UIDatePicker
- UIPageControl
- UISegmentedControl
- UISlider
- UISwitch
- UIWebView(UIWebViewDelegate)
- Others
- ...
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