- Tutorial
- XCode Workspace Guide
http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/XcodeWorkspace/000-Introduction/Introduction.html - XCode Project Management Guide
http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/XcodeProjectManagement/000-Introduction/introduction.html - xxx
- Project Structure
When you created a project, you can find following foler on Groups & Files window:
- Classes
This is where the Objective-C code you wrote, this is . You are free to create sub-folder under the Classes folder to help organize your code.
- Other Sources
This folder contains souce code files that aren't Objective-C classes. When you created a new iPhone application proect, there are 2 files in this folder\:
- xxxx_Prefix.pch
The extension .pch stands for "Pre-Compiled Header", this is a list of header files from external frameworks that are used by your project.
- main.m
This where your application's main() method is. You normally won't need to edit or change this file.
- Resources
This folder contains non-code files that will be included as part of your application. This is where you will include thing like:
- images
- sound files
- movie files
- text files
- property list
When you create a new iPhone application project, there are 3 files under this folder:
- xxxViewController.xib
- Info.plist
- MainWindow.xib
- Frameworks
Frameworks are a special kind of library that can contain code and resources such as image and sound files. Any framework or library you add to this folder will be linked in to your application, and your application is able to use objects, functions, and resources contained in that framework or library. The most commonly needed frameworks and libraries are linked in to your project by default.
- Product
This folder contains the application (end with extension .app) that this project produces when it is compiled.
- ...
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