Trouble Shoting
1, Create shell using different tools.
Issue: If login in sourceforge via ssh as following:
ssh USER@shell.sourceforge.net
system prompt you that shell is inactivated, and suggest you create via:
ssh -t USER,PROJECT@shell.sourceforge.net create
Solotion: just follow the steps on the page /Shell%20service
2, Relesae files (/Release%20files%20for%20download)
1) Upload files:
$psftp.exe NAME,PROJ@frs.sourceforge.net
Using username "NAME,PROJ".
web_surf,cdq@frs.sourceforge.net's password:
Remote working directory is /home/groups/c/cd/PROJ
$cd /home/groups/c/cd/PROJ/htdocs
$put xxx.zip
2) Log via ssh
login shell.sourcefoege.net via putty.exe following the steps on the page /Shell%20service, then
$cd /home/frs/project/c/cd/PROJ
$mkdir 1.0.1
$mv home/groups/c/cd/PROJ/htdocs/xxx.zip 1.0.1/
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