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分类: 嵌入式

2006-10-31 20:37:54

  1. Docs
    • Check available intents on device (Can I Use this Intent?)

      Include: Activity, Service, Broadcast Receiver, Content Provider.
    • xxx
  2. Summary
    Intnet and IntentFilter are used for delivering structured messages between different application components—allowing components to initiate other components and return results.
  3. Classes
    • Intent
      What's Intent
      An intent is a bundle of information.

      The core components of an application (activities, services, and broadcast receivers) are activated through structured messages, called intents.

      In each case, the Android system finds the appropriate activity, service, or set of broadcast receivers to respond to the intent, instantiating them if necessary. There is no overlap within these messaging systems: Broadcast intents are delivered only to broadcast receivers, never to activities or services. An intent passed to startActivity() is delivered only to an activity, never to a service or broadcast receiver, and so on.

      Intent are used to activate activity, service, broadcastreceiver:
      • startActivity/startActivityForResult/setResult
      • bindService/startService
      • sendBroadcast/sendOrderedBroadcast/sendStickyBroadcast

      Intent holds the following information:
      • component name
        The name of the component that should handle the intent. This field is a ComponentName object.
        The component name is optional. If it is set, the Intent object is delivered to an instance of the designated class. If it is not set, Android uses other information in the Intent object to locate a suitable target.
      • action
        A string naming the action to be performed — or, in the case of broadcast intents, the action that took place and is being reported.
        The action largely determines how the rest of the intent is structured — particularly the and fields — much as a method name determines a set of arguments and a return value. For this reason, it's a good idea to use action names that are as specific as possible, and to couple them tightly to the other fields of the intent (such as data, and extras).
      • data (both URI and data type)
        The URI of the data to be acted on and the MIME type of that data. Different actions are paired with different kinds of data specifications.
      • category
        A string containing additional information about the kind of component that should handle the intent. Any number of category descriptions can be placed in an Intent object.
      • extras
        Key-value pairs for additional information that should be delivered to the component handling the intent.
      • flags
        Instruct the Android system how to launch an activity and how to treat it after it's launched

      Intent Resolution
      Intents can be divided into two groups:
      • Explicit intents designate the target component by its name. Since component names would generally not be known to developers of other applications, explicit intents are typically used for application-internal messages — such as an activity starting a subordinate service or launching a sister activity.
      • Implicit intents do not name a target (the field for the component name is blank). Implicit intents are often used to activate components in other applications. 

      For explicit intents, Android directly delivers an explicit intent to an instance of the designated target class. Nothing in the Intent object other than the component name matters for determining which component should get the intent.

      While for implicit intents, the Android system will find the best component (or components) to handle the intent — a single activity or service to perform the requested action or the set of broadcast receivers to respond to the broadcast announcement. It does so by comparing the contents of the Intent object to intent filters --- structures associated with components that can potentially receive intents.

      Only three aspects of an Intent object are consulted when the object is tested against an intent filter:
          - action
          - data (both URI and data type: MIME)
          - category
      To be delivered to the component that owns the filter, it must pass all three tests. If it fails even one of them, the Android system won't deliver it to the component. An intent filter can define multipe action(or data/category), while an intent only can specify single action(or data/category), to pass test, the action(or data/category) specified in the Intent object must match one of the actions/data/catetory listed in the filter.. The extras and flags play no part in resolving which component receives an intent.

      If a component does not have any intent filters, it can receive only explicit intents. A component with filters can receive both explicit and implicit intents.

    • IntentFilter
      Inform the system which implicit intents they can handle.

      Activities, services, and broadcast receivers can have one or more intent filters. Each filter describes a capability of the component, a set of intents that the component is willing to receive. For example, the NoteEditor activity of the sample Note Pad application has two filters — one for starting up with a specific note that the user can view or edit, and another for starting with a new, blank note that the user can fill in and save.

      a) register broadcast receiver
      IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
      context.registerReceiver(receiver, filter);
      b) When to send broadcast, if you don't set data path, the receiver can't receive it;
      Intent intent = new Intent();
      //intent.setDataAndType("file:///sdcard/a.txt", "images/png");

      ie2: launch an implicit Activity of other application
      Intent intent = new Intent();
      intent.setCategory(xxx); intent.setCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT); //Necessary

      An intent filter is an instance of the class. However, since the Android system must know about the capabilities of a component before it can launch that component, intent filters are generally NOT set up in Java code, but in the application's manifest file (AndroidManifest.xml) as elements. (The one exception would be filters for broadcast receivers that are registered dynamically by calling ; they are directly created as IntentFilter objects.)

      Structured description of Intent values to be matched. An IntentFilter can match against actions, categories, and data (either via its type, scheme, and/or path) in an Intent.

      Intent characteristics to filter on:
      • action
        A filter must contain at least one element, or it will block all intents.

        The standard 'android.intent.action.MAIN' action is an entry point that does not require any other information in the Inten

      • catagory
        'android.intent.category.LAUNCHER' category says that this entry point should be listed in the application launcher.

        'android.intent.category.DEFAULT' category is required for all filters — except for those with the MAIN action and LAUNCHER category. (Intent filters are not consulted for explicit intents.), because the Context.startActivity() and Activity.startActivityForResult() methods treat all intents as if they contained the DEFAULT category (that means you need not to set category to the Intent object) — with just two exceptions:
          - Intents that explicitly name the target activity
          - Intents consisting of the MAIN action and LAUNCHER category
      • data
        The data test compares both the URI and the data type in the Intent object to a URI and data type specified in the filter.

        When the URI in an Intent object is compared to a URI specification in a filter, it's compared only to the parts of the URI actually mentioned in the filter. For example, if a filter specifies only a scheme, all URIs with that scheme match the filter. If a filter specifies a scheme and an authority but no path, all URIs with the same scheme and authority match, regardless of their paths. If a filter specifies a scheme, an authority, and a path, only URIs with the same scheme, authority, and path match. However, a path specification in the filter can contain wildcards to require only a partial match of the path.
        • type
          Both the Intent object and the filter can use a "*" wildcard for the subtype field — for example, "text/*" or "audio/*" — indicating any subtype matches.
        • schema
        • authority
        • path
      • xxx

      If an intent can pass through the filters of more than one (KeyWorkd: several, multiple) activity or service, the user may be asked which component to activate. (you can use this method to override system applications, please see the following samples) An exception is raised if no target can be found.

      Override system apps:
      a) Override Dailer

    • PendingIntent
      A description of an Intent and target action to perform at a later time.
    • xxx
  4. Start Component (Activity, Service, Broadcast Receiver) with Intent
    When the system starts a component of other application, it starts the process for that application (if it's not already running) and instantiates the classes needed for the component.
  5. xxx
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