2006-10-10 21:17:50
The pkgconfig package contains tools for passing the include path and/or library paths to build tools during the make file execution.
pkg-config is a function that returns meta information for the specified library.
The default setting for PKG_CONFIG_PATH is /usr/lib/pkgconfig /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig because of the prefix we use to install pkgconfig. You may add to PKG_CONFIG_PATH by exporting additional paths on your system where pkgconfig files are installed. Note that PKG_CONFIG_PATH is only needed when compiling packages, not during run-time.
在默认情况下,每个支持 pkg-config 的库对应的 .pc 文件在安装后都位于安装目录中的 lib/pkgconfig 目录下。例如,我们在上面已经将 Glib 安装在 /opt/gtk 目录下了,那么这个 Glib 库对应的 .pc 文件是 /opt/gtk/lib/pkgconfig 目录下一个叫 glib-2.0.pc 的文件: