关键字: Linux 快速 目录 切换 目录切换 工具
Change Directory Quickly(CDQ)
If you work on Linux, maybe you always are bothered by changing directories frequently as me. With this tools, you can change directory from one to another so conveniently.
For example, if you change directory among "/usr/src", "/usr/src/linux" and "/home/user/backup/" frequently, you need to add those three directories to CDQ database first:
$ cd /usr/src
$ cdq -a src .
$ cdq -a linux /usr/src/linux
$ cdq -a backup /home/user/backup
then you can change to any of those diectories by inputing its index. For example, if you want to change to /home/user/backup, you can input:
$ cdq 3
$ cdq
1 src
2 linux
3 backup
Please input index of directory: 3
cd /home/usr/backup
After downloading package, please decompress first, then type ". ./setup -i" to install CDQ; or you can type "./setup -h" to get usage of setup. It is not recommended to modify any files in installation package if you are not familar with shell script programming. After installation, cdq becomes available in current terminal, and new opened terminal.
after installed this tools, you can type "cdq -h" or "cdq help" to get how to use this tool.
Mr. Yang and Mr. Feng, they gave me some valuable hints,Thanks!
if you have any question, please send email to web_surf@163.com.
点击这里下载CDQ(下载后, 请将文件名改为cdq-1.0.2.tar.gz, 再解压)注: 1, 欢迎讨论、拍砖。
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