Official Website:
- Tools
- Visual Studio Remote Tools
- Remote File Viewer: View/Delete/Import/Export remote files, and you can also view/change files' properties.
- Remote Heap Wallker
- Remote Process Viewer: View remote processes, you can also kill processes on Remote Process Viewer
- Remote Registry Editor
- Remote Spy: View remote applications and messaged they send
- Remote Room In: Capture remote screenshots
- SDK Tools
- Cellulay Emulator: Make call & send SMS
- Emulator
- ....
- Tools to control device on PC - ce
It can:
1) Process files/directories on the device
2) Copy files to the devices, or get files to from the device
3) Modify registery on the device
4) Launch/Terminate the specified application on the device
More defails, please type "ce --help" or "ce help".
1) In order to use ce, you need to install DeviceCommandShellSetup.msi
2) Before use ce, please use "ce list" to list all available device
and its IDs, then type "ce connect to connect to the
- Get Windows Mobile version
Major | Minor | Revision | OS Name
3 | x | x | Windows Mobile 2003
4 | 2 | x | Windows Mobile 2003 SE
5 | 1 | x | Windows Mobile 5
5 | 2 | <14000 | Windows Mobile 6
5 | 2 | <21000 | Windows Mobile 6.1
5 | 2 | <23000 | Windows Mobile 6.5
5 | 2 | >=23000 | Windows Mobile 6.5 SE (or 6.5.1)
Where x means 'any'.
- Check Windoes Mible is ppc or sp
Use the function 'SystemParametersInfo', eg:
TCHAR szPlatform[30];
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETPLATFORMTYPE, sizeof(szPlatform), szPlatform, 0);
if (_tcscmp(szPlatform, _T("SmartPhone")) == 0)
// On Pocket PC, szPlatform would be "PocketPC"
The available platform types are:
- Get system resolution
1st way:
RECT rc;
::GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rc);
2nd wat:
long nScreenWidth = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
long nScreenHeight = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
- ....
2, Compile error: ”newline in constant“
The line lacks of right ' or ", such as:
printf("The tmp lile); //The right " is lost
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