分类: Python/Ruby
2011-11-15 14:53:19
Title: MySQL UDF functions
Filename: MySQL.au3
Description: A collection of functions for interacting with MySQL
Author: cdkid
Version: 1.6
Requirements: Autoit V3 with COM support.
Note: Make sure to add _MySQLEnd to the end of any script you use this with or you will have open connections to your DB left open!!!!
Note2: at the end of your script i find that it helps to turn your connection object (in the examples i use $sql) to "" so add $sql = "" to the end
Note3: I think it is because using COM from a non-server connecting to a DB on a server, but these can take an EXTREMELY long time.
---> functions:
Open a connection to the specified Database
Close the connection (read notes!)
Adds a record to a specified table
Deletes a record from the specifed table.
Execute a query to the database
Adds a table to the database
Adds a column to the given table
Deletes a column from the given table
Deletes a table from the given DB
Counts the number of records in the given column
Counts the number of tables in the database
Gets the names of all the columns in the given table
Gets the names of all the tables in the database
Gets all of the values of the specified column
Gets the DATA TYPE of the specified column
Gets a count of all columns in the specified table
Find out whether or not a specified table exists
Get a list & count of databases on the current server.
Change your connection string.
here are a few examples
#1 start a connection, do a SELECT statement, write the return value to 'C:\test.txt' then end connection
#2 start a connection, add a record, delete a record, end connection
#3 - Connect, create a table, add a record, count records in the table, drop the table, end connection
#4 - Connect, get a list of databases, MessageBox the result
if you're getting errors...i've found a good way to track em. this was in the idea lab, written by SvenP
put this at the top:
and then this anywhere