0. 序
1. 数组结构
1.1 ngx_array_t结构
1.2 ngx_array_t的逻辑结构
2. 数组操作
2.1 创建数组
2.2 销毁数组
2.3 添加1个元素
3. 一个例子
3.1 代码
3.2 如何编译
3.3 运行结果
4. 小结
0. 序
1. 数组结构
1.1 ngx_array_t结构
struct ngx_array_s { void *elts; //数组数据区起始位置 ngx_uint_t nelts; //实际存放的元素个数 size_t size; //每个元素大小 ngx_uint_t nalloc; //数组所含空间个数,即实际分配的小空间的个数 ngx_pool_t *pool; //该数组在此内存池中分配 }; typedef struct ngx_array_s ngx_array_t;
sizeof(ngx_array_t)=20。由其定义可见,nginx的数组也要从内存池中分配。将分配nalloc个大小为size的小空间,实际分配的大小为(nalloc * size)。详见下文的分析。
1.2 ngx_array_t的逻辑结构
2. 数组操作
- //创建数组
- ngx_array_t*ngx_array_create(ngx_pool_t *p, ngx_uint_t n, size_t size);
- //销毁数组
- voidngx_array_destroy(ngx_array_t *a);
- //向数组中添加元素
- void*ngx_array_push(ngx_array_t *a);
- void*ngx_array_push_n(ngx_array_t *a, ngx_uint_t n);
- //初始化数组
- staticngx_inline ngx_int_t
- ngx_array_init(ngx_array_t*array, ngx_pool_t *pool, ngx_uint_t n, size_t size)
//创建数组 ngx_array_t*ngx_array_create(ngx_pool_t *p, ngx_uint_t n, size_t size); //销毁数组 voidngx_array_destroy(ngx_array_t *a); //向数组中添加元素 void*ngx_array_push(ngx_array_t *a); void*ngx_array_push_n(ngx_array_t *a, ngx_uint_t n); //初始化数组 staticngx_inline ngx_int_t ngx_array_init(ngx_array_t*array, ngx_pool_t *pool, ngx_uint_t n, size_t size)因实现都很简单,本文简单分析前3个函数。
2.1 创建数组
ngx_array_t* ngx_array_create(ngx_pool_t*p, ngx_uint_t n, size_t size) { ngx_array_t *a; a = ngx_palloc(p,sizeof(ngx_array_t)); //从内存池中分配数组头 if (a == NULL) { return NULL; } a->elts = ngx_palloc(p,n * size); //接着分配n*size大小的区域作为数组数据区 if (a->elts == NULL) { return NULL; } a->nelts = 0; //初始化 a->size = size; a->nalloc = n; a->pool = p; return a; //返回数组头的起始位置 }创建数组后内存池的物理结构图如下。
2.2 销毁数组
- void
- ngx_array_destroy(ngx_array_t*a)
- {
- ngx_pool_t *p;
- p = a->pool;
- if ((u_char *) a->elts+ a->size * a->nalloc == p->d.last) { //先销毁数组数据区
- p->d.last -=a->size * a->nalloc; //设置内存池的last指针
- }
- if ((u_char *) a +sizeof(ngx_array_t) == p->d.last) { //接着销毁数组头
- p->d.last = (u_char*) a; //设置内存池的last指针
- }
- }
void ngx_array_destroy(ngx_array_t*a) { ngx_pool_t *p; p = a->pool; if ((u_char *) a->elts+ a->size * a->nalloc == p->d.last) { //先销毁数组数据区 p->d.last -=a->size * a->nalloc; //设置内存池的last指针 } if ((u_char *) a +sizeof(ngx_array_t) == p->d.last) { //接着销毁数组头 p->d.last = (u_char*) a; //设置内存池的last指针 } }
2.3 添加1个元素
- void *
- ngx_array_push(ngx_array_t*a)
- {
- void *elt, *new;
- size_t size;
- ngx_pool_t *p;
- if (a->nelts ==a->nalloc) { //数组数据区满
- /* the arrayis full */
- size = a->size *a->nalloc; //计算数组数据区的大小
- p = a->pool;
- if ((u_char *)a->elts + size == p->d.last //若内存池的last指针指向数组数据区的末尾
- &&p->d.last + a->size <= p->d.end) //且内存池未使用的区域可以再分配一个size大小的小空间
- {
- /*
- * the array allocation is the lastin the pool
- * and there is space for newallocation
- */
- p->d.last +=a->size; //分配一个size大小的小空间(a->size为数组一个元素的大小)
- a->nalloc++; //实际分配小空间的个数加1
- } else {
- /* allocate a new array */
- new =ngx_palloc(p, 2 * size); //否则,扩展数组数据区为原来的2倍
- if (new == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- ngx_memcpy(new,a->elts, size);//将原来数据区的内容拷贝到新的数据区
- a->elts = new;
- a->nalloc *= 2; //注意:此处转移数据后,并未释放原来的数据区,内存池将统一释放
- }
- }
- elt = (u_char *)a->elts + a->size * a->nelts; //数据区中实际已经存放数据的子区的末尾
- a->nelts++; //即最后一个数据末尾,该指针就是下一个元素开始的位置
- return elt; //返回该末尾指针,即下一个元素应该存放的位置
- }
void * ngx_array_push(ngx_array_t*a) { void *elt, *new; size_t size; ngx_pool_t *p; if (a->nelts ==a->nalloc) { //数组数据区满 /* the arrayis full */ size = a->size *a->nalloc; //计算数组数据区的大小 p = a->pool; if ((u_char *)a->elts + size == p->d.last //若内存池的last指针指向数组数据区的末尾 &&p->d.last + a->size <= p->d.end) //且内存池未使用的区域可以再分配一个size大小的小空间 { /* * the array allocation is the lastin the pool * and there is space for newallocation */ p->d.last +=a->size; //分配一个size大小的小空间(a->size为数组一个元素的大小) a->nalloc++; //实际分配小空间的个数加1 } else { /* allocate a new array */ new =ngx_palloc(p, 2 * size); //否则,扩展数组数据区为原来的2倍 if (new == NULL) { return NULL; } ngx_memcpy(new,a->elts, size);//将原来数据区的内容拷贝到新的数据区 a->elts = new; a->nalloc *= 2; //注意:此处转移数据后,并未释放原来的数据区,内存池将统一释放 } } elt = (u_char *)a->elts + a->size * a->nelts; //数据区中实际已经存放数据的子区的末尾 a->nelts++; //即最后一个数据末尾,该指针就是下一个元素开始的位置 return elt; //返回该末尾指针,即下一个元素应该存放的位置 }
3. 一个例子
- /**
- * ngx_array_t test, to test ngx_array_create, ngx_array_push
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "ngx_config.h"
- #include "ngx_conf_file.h"
- #include "nginx.h"
- #include "ngx_core.h"
- #include "ngx_string.h"
- #include "ngx_palloc.h"
- #include "ngx_array.h"
- volatile ngx_cycle_t *ngx_cycle;
- void ngx_log_error_core(ngx_uint_t level, ngx_log_t *log, ngx_err_t err,
- const char *fmt, ...)
- {
- }
- void dump_pool(ngx_pool_t* pool)
- {
- while (pool)
- {
- printf("pool = 0x%x\n", pool);
- printf(" .d\n");
- printf(" .last = 0x%x\n", pool->d.last);
- printf(" .end = 0x%x\n", pool->d.end);
- printf(" .next = 0x%x\n", pool->;
- printf(" .failed = %d\n", pool->d.failed);
- printf(" .max = %d\n", pool->max);
- printf(" .current = 0x%x\n", pool->current);
- printf(" .chain = 0x%x\n", pool->chain);
- printf(" .large = 0x%x\n", pool->large);
- printf(" .cleanup = 0x%x\n", pool->cleanup);
- printf(" .log = 0x%x\n", pool->log);
- printf("available pool memory = %d\n\n", pool->d.end - pool->d.last);
- pool = pool->;
- }
- }
- void dump_array(ngx_array_t* a)
- {
- if (a)
- {
- printf("array = 0x%x\n", a);
- printf(" .elts = 0x%x\n", a->elts);
- printf(" .nelts = %d\n", a->nelts);
- printf(" .size = %d\n", a->size);
- printf(" .nalloc = %d\n", a->nalloc);
- printf(" .pool = 0x%x\n", a->pool);
- printf("elements: ");
- int *ptr = (int*)(a->elts);
- for (; ptr < (int*)(a->elts + a->nalloc * a->size); )
- {
- printf("0x%x ", *ptr++);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- ngx_pool_t *pool;
- int i;
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- printf("create a new pool:\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- pool = ngx_create_pool(1024, NULL);
- dump_pool(pool);
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- printf("alloc an array from the pool:\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- ngx_array_t *a = ngx_array_create(pool, 10, sizeof(int));
- dump_pool(pool);
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- {
- int *ptr = ngx_array_push(a);
- *ptr = i + 1;
- }
- dump_array(a);
- ngx_array_destroy(a);
- ngx_destroy_pool(pool);
- return 0;
- }
- CXX = gcc
- CXXFLAGS +=-g -Wall -Wextra
- NGX_ROOT =/usr/src/nginx-1.0.4
- TARGETS =ngx_array_t_test
- CLEANUP = rm-f $(TARGETS) *.o
- all:$(TARGETS)
- clean:
- CORE_INCS =-I. \
- -I$(NGX_ROOT)/src/core \
- -I$(NGX_ROOT)/src/event \
- -I$(NGX_ROOT)/src/event/modules \
- -I$(NGX_ROOT)/src/os/unix \
- -I$(NGX_ROOT)/objs \
- NGX_PALLOC =$(NGX_ROOT)/objs/src/core/ngx_palloc.o
- NGX_STRING =$(NGX_ROOT)/objs/src/core/ngx_string.o
- NGX_ALLOC =$(NGX_ROOT)/objs/src/os/unix/ngx_alloc.o
- NGX_ARRAY =$(NGX_ROOT)/objs/src/core/ngx_array.o
- # ./ngx_array_t_test
- -------------------------------- create a new pool:
- -------------------------------- pool = 0x860b020 .d .last = 0x860b048
- .end = 0x860b420
- .next = 0x0
- .failed = 0 .max = 984
- .current = 0x860b020
- .chain = 0x0
- .large = 0x0
- .cleanup = 0x0
- .log = 0x0 available pool memory = 984
- -------------------------------- alloc an array from the pool:
- -------------------------------- pool = 0x860b020 .d .last = 0x860b084
- .end = 0x860b420
- .next = 0x0
- .failed = 0 .max = 984
- .current = 0x860b020
- .chain = 0x0
- .large = 0x0
- .cleanup = 0x0
- .log = 0x0 available pool memory = 924
- array = 0x860b048 .elts = 0x860b05c
- .nelts = 10
- .size = 4
- .nalloc = 10
- .pool = 0x860b020 elements: 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x9 0xa
4. 小结