因为使用emacs的原因,在使用bcb写一些程序的时候,发现普通的编辑器反倒用起来不太顺手,所以就在想,看一下bcb中是否有按键映射,查之,果然有。在Tools->Editor Options->Key Mappings,然后将Key mapping modules设置为Epsilon emulation即可。不过,我又在想,Epsilon到底为何物?
Epsilon is a programmer's text editor modelled after Emacs. It resembles Emacs not only in its default keybindings and layout, but also in the fact that it has a Turing-complete extension language in which much of its functionality is implemented. Unlike Emacs, Epsilon's extension language, EEL (Epsilon Extension Language) [1] is a dialect of C rather than a dialect of Lisp. Epsilon runs on DOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and OS/2.
Epsilon is a commercial product sold by Lugaru Software. It was first released in 1984, long before Emacs was available on personal computers, and modestly priced, so it provided an attractive alternative to the usual DOS editors for those accustomed to Emacs.
Epsilon supports Unicode but does not display characters outside the BMP and cannot presently handle right-to-left scripts. It can convert among dozens of character encodings.
Epsilon的官网是在windows下面下载起来使用觉得和一般的windows程序用起来差别不大,很方便。但是不爽的一点是他是Evaluation version,到了2010年2月1就不能用了,看来我只能试用一下,继续用我的gnu emacs了。
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