借助于第三方库,可以让我们的开发工作事半功倍.Rad C++就是这样一个有趣的库.你只需要几句代码就可以做一个简单的UI,然而,他的功能却是不一般的简单.一般人觉得用C++写UI程序麻烦,但是Rad C++却可以打消我们的顾虑.官方网址是: .他目前不是一个跨平台的库,主要针对windows Xp以及vista,而且他也不是一个包括太多东西的库,他的目的只有一个:就是简化UI设计的代码,加快软件的开发效率.
我们看一段最简单的rad c++库写的代码:
Form form1("Simple window - RAD C++ Example");
//main program code goes here
RAD C++ Library is claimed to be the best library keeping in view the highly increased level of ease and coding style for C and C++ developers. Each and every class of library is created using generic properties and provides a very easy interface to the developer to interact with overall GUI (forms and controls). It is as easy for plain C language developers as for C++ developers.
It is not cross-platform and does not have a CPU resources consuming layout manager, thus final application is less CPU & memory consuming and fast. Although, we plan to port it to major platforms in future, but natively, means not basing on existing frameworks. As it is using windows native API, future ports will also be using native API of their platform.
Backbone of rad C++ library is ofcourse win32 api, so, your final application is native to Microsoft Windows Operating System. Any application created using rad c++ runs perfectly on win98, ME, and all NT based Operating systems of Microsoft e.g. Windows XP, and your application adopts native look and feel automatically.
It is also very useful for advanced winapi programmers, since it provides a very easy way to directly use the GUI objects' handles (HWND) e.g. Form1.hwnd / Button1.hwnd, and to work on Device Context use Form1.hdc etc.
It's generic properties make the life easier to manipulate entire GUI at runtime and/or even draw from custom templates.
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