Tmt pascal是一款非常快的pascal编译器.他支持borland pascal语句,用来开发32位应用.
TMT Pascal Lite 是 DOS 和 OS/2 下 PASCAL 程序员最好的伙伴,支持 Intel MMX 和 AMD 3DNOW! 汇编指令,支持最新的 VESA/VBE 2.0 开发规范,TMT Pascal MultiTarget 版本还提供 Windows 的程序开发。
The TMT Pascal compiler supports a new enhanced dialect of the PASCAL language. This dialect fully covers the Borland Pascal language and has additional powerful extensions such as:
?C/C++ and ADA-style comments
??+:=?and ?:=?C-style operators
?Local declarations
?Multidimensional open arrays
?Operator overloading
?Unnamed procedural blocks
?Interface/Implementation blocks declaration in main program body
?Intel(tm) MMX and AMD(tm) 3DNow! technologies support
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