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follow my heart...













2006-11-26 19:16:37

一个非常完美而且简单的3d图像引擎.在win32环境下,可以用visual c++ 及dev cpp进行编译.强烈推荐,试用之后,发现他的简易程度和tv3d不相上下,下面是一个该引擎的源程序示例,分享一下.
//This simple example implements a keyboard controlled ball.
//Arrow keys apply forces to the ball.
//[Ctrl] key reverses gravity force direction.

//After compilation, this source code is turned into a file named 3impactd.dll and
//saved to the 3impactWork folder on your hard disk.
//When 3impactd.exe file (the engine) is launched, it will load this .dll file and
//will execute the five functions below, also known as 'callbacks'.
//They are: PreInit(), Init(), Run(), Exit(), PostExit().

//You can fully control the engine by calling creation functions, setting functions
//and transformation functions inside the callbacks. It is that easy! See below.

//Include some external code giving access to commonly used Windows methods
#i nclude
#i nclude
#i nclude
//Include also some engine specific functions and definitions.
#i nclude "..\common\3impactDLL_defs.h"

//In the Init() callback you'll see that we create virtual world objects by calling
//creation functions.
//Newly created objects should always be stored to proper 'containers', named
//'object variables', to allow for subsequent handling.
//Object variables are typically declared at the beginning of the code. Typically, one
//single line of code declares one single variable. A declaration is made of two parts.
//The first part declares the type of the variable (for example 'CAMERA*') and the
//second part declares its custom (user defined) name (for example 'Camera').
//For simplicity, an object variable is usually called 'object' (e.g., 'camera object').
//The following are the object variables we need for this example.
CAMERA* Camera;//摄像机
SPRITE* LoadingMessage;//加载信息
SKYBOX* SkyBox;//天空

BODY* Terrain;//地形
MESH* TerrainMesh;//地形模型

BODY* Ball;//球
MESH* BallMesh;//球模型
MESH* BallMeshShadow;//球阴影

BODYBODY* BallTerrain;//球与地形之间

void PreInit(DWORD* settings)//预初始化,产生在显示对话框之前
   //This callback is executed once, at startup, before opening the Display Options panel.
   //Note that 3Impact functions are not available here yet. You cannot call, for
   //example, iCameraCreate(). This callback is intended for special initializations.
   //We don't need any special initialization now, so we are leaving this callback empty.
void Init()//初始化
   //This callback is executed once, right after opening the rendering window or the
   //rendering fullscreen display.
   //This callback is typically used to create objects, to set their initial status,
   //physics properties, rendering mode, etc.

   //We always need to create a camera (point of view). Without a camera, nothing can
   //be rendered to the screen. The following line calls the iCameraCreate() function
   //and stores the camera object which it creates to the object variable named Camera.
   //Now that the newly created camera is in the 'Camera' variable, we can handle it.
   //For example, we can set its location, inside the virtual space. The next line of code
   //calls the iCameraLocationSet() function, passing the Camera as first parameter and
   //a constant 3d vector as second parameter (the location).

   //We also want to specify sun light direction and color.

   //Creating objects can be a lengthy operation. We want to display something while
   //loading is in progress. So we create a 2d object (also known as 'sprite') to
   //display a 'Loading...' message.
   //Note that object creation will typically require a resource file, as source.
   //For example, for sprites, we need an image file and a .x file.
   //Custom resources can be created. Refer to the quick start tutorial for details.
   //The next line of code will create a sprite from the loading.x resource, and will
   //store it to the variable named 'LoadingMessage'.
   //We want the message displayed now, before we start creating (loading) all other objects.

   //We now create a 3d background for the virtual space.

   //The first 3d 'solid' object we create is a piece of terrain. Solid objects
   //are called 'bodies'. A body is considered 'solid' because it is collision-response
   //capable. In this case, the body is a polygonal object (polyhedron).
   //创建地形实体 ,但是实体是无法显示的 ,注意地形实体是基于多面体的 ,所以扩展名是ply
   //Bodies are invisible. They are processed by the engine as invisible-solid objects.
   //It means that they cannot be rendered (displayed) by the engine. However, we can
   //attach a visible mesh to them, to show where they are and what their shape is.
   //Mesh objects are non-solid 3d models. Unlike bodies, they are rendered by the engine.
   //With the next line of code, we create a 3d visible object from a .x
   //resource file. As parameters, we pass the file name for the resource to load and
   //the body object we want attach the mesh to (Terrain).

   //The second body we create is a ball. Unlike the terrain, which is made of polygons,
   //this object is sphere-group based. It is as simple as a ball, so it is a one-ball
   //group. See quick start tutorial for details on polyhedron and sphere-group based bodies.
   //As a body, the newly created ball is invisible. Let's attach a ball-shaped mesh to it.
   //We want the ball at about 5 meters above the ground, at startup.
   //By default, there is no air friction for bodies. We can simulate it by setting
   //some damping for the ball.
   //See reference.txt for details on iBodyDampingSet() instruction and damping.

   //We want our ball to cast a shadow onto other objects in the scenery.
   //The next line of code creates a shadow volume mesh from a source .x file
   //and attaches it to the Ball body. See reference.txt for details on
   //iMeshBodyShadowCasterCreate() instruction and shadows.

   //By default, no collision checking is performed for the bodies we have created.
   //We have to tell the engine what body couples should be checked for collision.
   //The next line of code creates a so called body-body object.
   //Basically, the body-body object is a data block specifying a body couple and
   //a few parameters required by the engine to compute collision-response.
   //We have stored the body-body object for the ball-terrain couple, so that we can
   //set collision-response parameters for it. See reference.txt for details on them.

   //Newly created bodies are disabled (no physics, no collision-response computation).
   //The next two lines of code enable Ball and Terrain bodies.

   //We don't want to show the loading message any longer, now that object creation is complete.
   //Newly created meshes are hide. Let's show all of them.
void Run()
   //This callback is executed 75 times per second. The first execution happens
   //after the Init() callback above is completed.

   //It means that the engine will repeatedly scan the lines of code from the '{'
   //right below the 'void Run()' line to the '}' right above the 'void Exit()' line.

   //Each scan from '{' to '}' is called 'dll loop'. It is basically the heartbeat
   //of the simulation.

   //The rendering phase, in which the virtual world is displayed in its current status,
   //as seen from the current camera location, happens after each dll loop is complete.

   //The dll loops continue until the [Esc] key is pressed or the iExit() function
   //is called. Terminating the dll loops basically stops the simulation.

   //So, we have a piece of terrain and a ball. We want the camera to constantly
   //take the ball, wherever it goes. First of all, let's define a vector variable
   //to save the current ball position, that is the target to point the camera to.
   D3DXVECTOR3 cameratarget;
   //We put the current ball location into the vector by calling iBodyLocationCM().
   //Finally, we call a special function that will point the camera to the target.

   //We finally want the ball to be controlled by key presses. The idea is applying
   //forces to it according to what arrow keys are pressed by the user.
   //First of all, let's define proper variables to store some temporary information
   //we need to achieve our goal.
   D3DXVECTOR3 acceleration;
   //四元组- 摄像机方向
   D3DXQUATERNION cameraorientation;

   //Linear accelerations (*) are defined by 3d vectors. We have provided a variable
   //named 'acceleration' to store the acceleration generated by key presses.
   //This vector variable will work as an accumulator. The first step is resetting it.
   //Depending on what keys are pressed, we will add a constant vector to the
   //acceleration variable. The length of the vector defines the intensity of
   //the acceleration. The direction of the vector defines the direction of it.
   //For example, if up-arrow is pressed, we add a 10 meter long vector
   //to the accumulator. Its direction is towards Z-positive world axis.
   //It basically means that the ball will be pushed with an acceleration of 10
   //meters per second^2 in that direction, when up-arrow is pressed (**).
   if (iKeyDown(DIK_LEFT)) acceleration += D3DXVECTOR3(-10.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
   if (iKeyDown(DIK_RIGHT)) acceleration += D3DXVECTOR3(10.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
   if (iKeyDown(DIK_UP)) acceleration += D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f,0.0f,10.0f);
   if (iKeyDown(DIK_DOWN)) acceleration += D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f,0.0f,-10.0f);

   //(**) The code above basically tends to push the ball along world's X and Z
   //axes only, no matter where the camera is taking the scene from. It makes a bit
   //difficult for the user to effectively direct the ball.
   //We want to re-orientate the resulting acceleration vectors so that they
   //are camera relative. For example, we want an acceleration towards X+ axis to be
   //re-orientated so that it becomes an acceleration towards the right of the screen.
   //To achieve this, we first store the camera orientation to a quaternion variable.
   //Note: most physics engine quantities (locations, forces, torques, etc) can be stored
   //to vector variables. To store orientations and rotations we use special variables
   //called 'quaternions'.
   //The next function takes a vector (acceleration) and rotates it by using a
   //quaternion as a reference. Basically, 'cameraorientation' quaternion is
   //the rotation required to change the camera from its natural status (that
   //is, looking at Z+ horizon) to its current orientation. We can
   //say that it is the current camera orientation, but it is a rotation actually.
   //So, we basically apply that orientation to the given vector. The result
   //is that the vector is transformed from world coordinates (absolute) to
   //camera coordinates (relative). And it is exactly what we need here.

   //Controls are easier now that applied acceleration has been made camera-relative.
   //Still we aren't done yet. Controlling the ball when the camera is pitched (for
   //example facing downward) isn't very easy. For some reason, it would be easier
   //if acceleration vector direction was always parallel to the XZ (ground) plane.
   //To constrain the vector to the XZ plane we just have to force its Y
   //coordinate to zero. Note that this may reduce vector length (intensity) on
   //extreme camera pitching, but it is ok for this simple example.
   acceleration.y = 0.0f;//设置y轴,也就是高度为0

   //Now that the acceleration vector is set (or still reset to null if no
   //key was pressed), we can finally apply it to the Ball body.
   //(*) We are applying an acceleration and not a force. Applying a force
   //means transferring to a body a defined quantity of energy. So, the resulting
   //speed depends on the body mass: a force applied to an heavy body will generate
   //a lower speed respect to the same force applied to a lighter body.
   //Applying an acceleration, instead, means transferring to a body the energy required
   //to obtain, over time, a defined velocity or spin, regardless of the body mass.

   //Finally, we apply a constant acceleration to simulate gravity.
   //We also implement an additional control, with the next lines of code.
   //We want to reverse the gravity force (but we should actually name it
   //'gravity acceleration'...) while the [Ctrl] key is pressed.
   if (!iKeyDown(DIK_LCONTROL)) iBodyAccelerationApply(Ball,&D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f,-9.80665f,0.0f));
   else iBodyAccelerationApply(Ball,&D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f,9.80665f,0.0f));
void Exit()
   //This callback is executed after the Run() callback is stopped by pressing [Esc],
   //before the rendering window is closed.
   //You typically free any memory resource you have allocated elsewhere, here.
void PostExit(HWND hWnd)
   //This callback is executed after the Exit() callback, after closing the
   //rendering window, before closing the application.
   //It is intended for special purposes like, for example, running an external
   //application, an Internet browser, etc.

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