Sally是一个c++ 的集成开发环境,如果用他来做console或是win app,亦或是dll自然是可以的,不过,他是基于smartwin的,我们可以用他来做opengl开发,也可以用它来做smartwin应用程序的开发。后者,在这个开发环境中显得更为特色。
sally开发于windowsXp下面,程序是用cshape写的,并且要求.net framework1.1的支持。或许在win98/me/2k下可以运行,但是还没有经过测试。
- Multi compiler C++ IDE
- Other programming languages (C#,HLA,etc.) can be configured
- Projects and Solutions can be easily imported
- Project templates
- File templates
- SmartWin++ Visual GUI Designer (configured for SW 2.0
RC1, older versions are supported as well). C++ native
Windows Applications can be created with virtually no code, and
don't require additional dlls or the .Net Framework to run
(SmartWin++ is a static library).
Note 1: the SmartWin++ library must be downloaded separately.
Note 2: SmartWin++ 2.0 RC2 will work too, since there are no syntactical differences between SW 2.0 RC2 and SW 2.0 RC1. - SmartWin++ Extra Widgets (9 custom widgets + many helper
- SmartWin++ Example Projects (34 + 2 SW OpenGL
templates, configured for SW 2.0
- Icon (and image) editor
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