1、在中下载该软件,我下载的地Release版的Win32 Alpha版本;
2、同时下载Win32 Mingw Comiler(Needed for win32 version),这个东东同样在该网站可以下载;
一个干净的很强的basic语言,一个转换为gui 应用程序、网络、多媒体的丰富的类库;
Why ExtremeBasic?
Modern versions of Basic have evolved to be indistinguishable from other mainstream programming languages - in an effort to both increase the power of the language as well as increase the speed of compiled code, it has lost the characteristics that made it interesting. VB.NET is the ultimate expression of this evolution.
Various scripting languages such as Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, etc have taken up the rapid prototyping mantle somewhat - the premise that you should just be able to knock out some code without having to worry about getting your class hierarchy correct - but have been lacking in one way or another (limited IDE, strange syntax, adhoc class library, deployment issues, etc).
ExtremeBasic is attempting to take some of the best concepts from the scripting languages, provide easy to leverage and powerful in-built functionality, all within a development environment that attempts to make it easy.
On Macintosh, Windows and hopefully Linux soon.
Free and with source code available (non-restrictive BSD-style licensing) - at some point I'll be introducing some form of annual subscription model, but this will be based on incentives for people to pay, not penalites for those who don't.
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