BE 9.x support: Oracle 8.0.5, 8i, or 9i, and Oracle Application Server 9i
Instance components:
init.ora \oracle\admin\orcl\pfile\init.ora.SID
control file defined in init.ora: control_files=(“D:\oracle\ora92\orcl\control01.ctl” ...)
table space \oracle\ora92\orcl\*01.dbf
redo log redo01.log,redo02.log,redo03.log
archive log defined in init.ora.SID file
Requirements for Configuring the Oracle Agent:
create user USERNAME identified by PASSWORD;
grant dba to USERNAME;
Database Log Mode is set to ARCHIVELOG
Automatic Archival is enabled
sqlplus /nolog
start pfile=d:\oracle\admin\orcl\pfile\init.ora.SID
sql>con username/password@instancename as sysdba (con / as sysdba)
Check Archive Mode:
archive log list;
Database Log Mode ARCHIVE LOG
Automatic Archival ENABLED
Change Archive Mode:
startup nomount;
alter database mount exclusive;
alter database archivelog;
alter database open;
Enable Automatic Archival:
Edit the Oracle instance initialization parameter file
# Archive
log_archive_dest_1 =’LOCATION=D:\oracle\oradata\orcl\archive’
log_archive_start = true
Check Again;
archive log list;
Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Console (9i) :
How to install the Oracle Agent on the Oracle database server?
\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Agents\Oracle\
Setup.exe check service: Backup Exec Oracle Agent
Agent Settings:
Debug Oracle Agent:
-debug parameter: \winnt\system32\Ntodebug.log
Why the agent cannot log on to the Oracle database service?
The Oracle database has been shut down.
The Oracle database has not finished starting up.
An invalid oracle account was specified in the agent’s configuration utility.
The Oracle database server has not been installed on the system.
Three Backup Methods:
Backing Up a Closed Database
shutdown the database and backup entire volume Oracle database is located.
Backing Up an Entire Online Database
all tablespaces, control files, and archived logfile
Backing Up Individual Online Tablespaces
special tablespace folders and archived logfile
Three Restore Methods:
Must always select the option Restore Over Existing Files.
Restoring a Closed Oracle Database
Submit the restore job to restore the entire Oracle database.
Restoring an Online Oracle Database
Run two separate restore jobs.
First, restore the database’s Archived Logfiles directory.
Second, restore each of the database’s tablespaces.
the Oracle Agent automatically perform media recovery for the tablespace.
(The system tablespace cannot be restored while the database is online.)
Restoring Individual Tablespaces
(Do not restore individual tablespaces if entire database becomes corrupted.)
sqlplus /nolog
sql>con / as sysdba
startup nomount;
alter database mount exclusive;
Select the tablespaces you want to restore, Restore as normal.
shutdown and startup the database
Restoring the Database Control File
It is automatically placed in the Oracle datafile directory on your database
server. (By default, \Orant\Database.)
Disaster Recovery
Re-install Windows on the Oracle database server. (into a temporary directory)
Restore the entire contents of the media to the Oracle database server.
After restore completes, reboot your Oracle database server.
Restore your last full closed Oracle database backup and start your database.
Disaster Recovery without full closed backup
Restore the storage media containing all of the Oracle tablespace data files.
sql> recover database using backup controlfile;
sql> alter database open resetlogs;
How to perform a disaster recovery of an Oracle server using the BERA for Oracle
How to enable BE Oracle Agent to connect to Clustered Oracle Databases
How to restore and recover an Oracle database to a 'Point in Time' using an on-line backup
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