以下是如何收集SPcollect(运行日志)的步骤说明,请根据目前Clariion上运行的Flare code版本(微码版本)选择对应的方法收集SPcollect。收集成功后请将相应的SPcollect文件通过邮件发给我,谢谢!如遇到问题请与我联系( FLARE Release 19 and later: Note: If you have MirrorView, additional steps may be needed to run and retrieve SPcollect files. Refer to EMC Knowledgebase solution emc117005 <; for more information. Beginning with FLARE Release 19 it is possible to obtain SPcollect files using Navisphere Manager. To use Navisphere Manager to obtain SPcollect files follow these steps: 1. Under the "Storage" tab in Navisphere highlight the SP that you want to obtain SPcollect files from. 2. Right-click and select "SP Collect." You should receive a success message after selecting this. If you receive a "Caller not privileged" error, see EMC Knowledgebase solution emc95276 <; . If you receive any other error, open a case with EMC Technical Support to investigate further. 3. SPcollect files on average will take approximately 15 minutes to generate per storage processor. After this time has elapsed, right-click again on the SP selecting "File Transfer Manager." 4. Select the completed SPcollect file (which will be in the format of "chassisSerialNumber_spx_date_time_spsignatire_data.zip") and transfer to a directory on your local computer. 5. See solution EMC Knowledgebase solution emc115289 <; for information on how to get the SPcollect file(s) to EMC technical support. If you do not have an array running Release 19, but you believe that this feature would be useful, contact Technical Support to discuss the possibility of upgrading the FLARE code on your array. Note If the SPcollect files are password protected, refer to EMC Knowledgebase solution emc102828 <; . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLARE Release 13 and later: Perform the following steps: 1. Open a command prompt on the Management Station. 2. Type cd c:\program files\emc\navisphere cli 3. Type navicli -h spcollect -messner This starts the SPcollect script. 4. Type navicli -h managefiles -list This will list the files created by SPcollect. 5. Type navicli -h managefiles -retrieve This will display the files that can be moved from the SP to the Management Station. Example: Index Size in KB Last Modified Filename 0 3 06/14/04 11:02:15 DeletedVolume.txt 1 515 05/26/04 10:44:16 ktdump-040526-144415.txt 2 532 05/26/04 11:20:33 ktdump-040526-152033.txt 3 431 05/26/04 12:37:12 ktdump-040526-163711.txt 4 415 05/26/04 16:12:46 ktdump-040526-201246.txt 5 737 06/14/04 17:35:41 ktdump-040614-213541.txt 6 727 06/17/04 14:52:34 ktdump-040617-185234.txt 7 468 06/17/04 17:08:01 ktdump-040617-210801.txt 8 0 06/17/04 17:08:50 ktdump_log.txt 9 0 06/14/04 11:26:41 naviagent_Jun-14-04_15-26-37.log 10 0 06/14/04 17:38:28 naviagent_Jun-14-04_21-38-22.log 11 0 06/17/04 17:08:01 naviagent_Jun-17-04_18-55-16.log 12 0 06/25/04 07:05:16 naviagent_Jun-17-04_21-08-46.log 13 996 05/27/04 15:25:54 SPA__APM00023000437_9c773_05-27-2004_46_data.zip 14 1029 05/27/04 15:39:33 SPA__APM00023000437_9c773_05-27-2004_26_data.zip 15 1489 06/25/04 06:47:00 SPA__APM00023000437_9c773_06-25-2004_33_data.zip 16 1205 07/01/04 14:33:52 SPA__APM00023000437_9c773_07-01-2004_35_data.zip 17 1 06/25/04 07:05:13 em_logs.zip 6. Enter files to be retrieved with index separated by comma (1,2,3,4,5) OR by a range (1-3) OR enter 'all' to retrieve all file OR 'quit' to quit> 13. This will pull the index number 13 from the corresponding SP and copy it to the c:\program files\emc\navisphere cli directory with a filename of SPA__APM00023000437_9c773_05-27-2004_46_data.zip. 7. Upload the file or files to an FTP site as directed by EMC Support. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLARE Release 12 and earlier: Contact EMC support or your support representative for assistance with gathering SPcollect files on FLARE Release 12 and earlier.
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