2007-6-4 13:41:17 - Error bpbrm(pid=1944) cannot connect to linux, 您的主机中的软件放弃了一个已建立的连接。 (10053)
2007-6-4 13:41:18 - started process bpbrm (1944)
2007-6-4 13:41:18 - connecting
2007-6-4 13:41:18 - end writing
can't connect to client(5
2007-6-4 13:41:18 - Error bpsched(pid=400) suspending further backup attempts for client linux, policy linux, schedule
a because it has exceeded the configured number of tries
2007-6-4 13:41:19 - Error bpsched(pid=400) backup of client linux exited with status 58 (can't connect to client)
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