最显著的等待是LOG FILE SYNC,最终发现问题出在LGWR进程,由于该进程活动过于频繁,该进程在系统上的nice值被调至68,AIX上缺省进程nice值为60,nice值越高表示优先级越低。
根据IBM的文章AIX 5 performance series: CPU monitoring and tuning,我们可以通过setpri调用来固定进程的优先级:
Using the setpri() and thread_setsched() subroutines
There are now two system calls that allow users to make individual processes or threads to be scheduled with fixed priority. The setpri() system call is process-oriented and thread_setsched() is thread-oriented. Use caution when calling these two subroutines, since improper use might cause the system to hang.
An application that runs under the root user ID can invoke the setpri() subroutine to set its own priority or the priority of another process. The target process is scheduled using the SCHED_RR scheduling policy with a fixed priority. The change is applied to all the threads in the process. Note the following two examples:
retcode = setpri(0, 45);
Gives the calling process a fixed priority of 45.
retcode = setpri(1234, 35);
Gives the process with PID of 1234 a fixed priority of 35.
If the change is intended for a specific thread, the thread_setsched() subroutine can be used:
retcode = thread_setsched(thread_id,priority_value, scheduling_policy)
The parameter scheduling_policy can be one of the following: SCHED_OTHER, SCHED_FIFO, or SCHED_RR.
When SCHED_OTHER is specified as the scheduling policy, the second parameter (priority_value) is ignored.
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