1. Shutdown the instance
2. Backup all control, redo, and data files.
3. Go through the .profile, .cshrc, .login, oratab,
tnsnames.ora, (for SQL*Net version 2), and redefine the
ORACLE_SID environment variable to a new value.
For example, search through disks and do a grep ORACLE_SID *
4. Change locations to the "dbs" directory
% cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
and rename the following files:
o init
.ora (or use pfile to point to the init
o control file(s). This is optional if you do not rename
any of the controlfiles, and the control_files parameter
is used.
The "control_files" parameter is set in the
"init.ora" file or in a file it references with the
ifile parameter. Make sure that the control_files
parameter does not point to old
file names, if you have renamed them.
o "crdb.sql" & "crdb2.sql", This is optional.
These are only used at database creation.
5. Change locations to the "rdbms/admin" directory
% cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
and rename the file:
o startup.sql. This is optional. On some platforms,
this file may be in the "$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/install" directory.
Make sure that the contents of this file do not reference old
init.ora files that have been renamed. This file
simplifies the "startup exclusive" process to start your
6. To rename the database files and redo log files if need be.
7. Change the ORACLE_SID environment variable to the new value.
8. Check in the "$ORACLE_HOME/dbs" directory to see if the
password file has been enabled. If enabled, the file
"orapw" will exist and a new password file for the new
SID must be created (renaming the old file will not work). If
"orapw" does not exist, skip to step 9. To create
a new password file, issue the following command as oracle
orapwd file=orapw password=?? entries=users to be granted permission to start the database instance>
9. Start up the database and verify that it works. Once you
have done this, shutdown the database and take a final backup
of all control, redo, and data files.
10. When the instance is started, the control file is updated
with the current ORACLE_SID.
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