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分类: 服务器与存储

2008-06-08 06:04:08

提到Command Central Storage,大家对这个产品感觉比较生疏。但是提起SANPoint Control,许多人都用过这个产品。Command Central Storage 可以说就是SANPoint Control的升级替代产品。在Command Central Storage中不但包含了SANPoint Control,而且还包含了Storage Advanced Reporter。VERITAS为了实现效用计算(Utility Computing),重新整合了产品线,在2004年9月推出了功能强大的VERITAS Command Central Solution。

VERITAS Command Central Solution包含CommandCentral? Availability,CommandCentral? MicroMeasure,CommandCentral? Service,CommandCentral? Storage。

我们接下来介绍CommandCentral? Storage的安装方法。1。    放入CommandCentral Storage4.x 的第一张CD。

CommandCentral Storage4.x 包含3张CD。

  • CD1 是CommandCentral Storage & Service for Solaris.
  • CD2 是CommandCentral Storage & Service for Windows
  • CD3 是CommandCentral Storage & Service,/AIX/HP-UX,English, Agent and Agent Push Install Utility
2.    运行installccs安装CommandCentral Storage4.x。


3.    开始安装,你将看到下面的信息:

Welcome to the CommandCentral Installation program for Solaris.

Components available for installation: 

1)  CommandCentral Storage Management Server[INSTALL]

2)  CommandCentral Storage Agent

3)  CommandCentral Storage Web Engine[INSTALL]

4)  CommandCentral Service Server and Web Engine

5)  CommandCentral Service Agent

6)  CommandCentral Service View Builder

7)  Finished with selections

Enter the corresponding component number to add or remove it from the install queue,

or '7' when you are finished making selections: [1-7,q] (7) 注重

CommandCentral 答应将CCStorage server 和CCStorage Web Enginer分别安装在不同的主机上面。假如选择安装CommandCentral Storage Management Server,就不要再选择CommandCentral Storage Agent,CommandCentral Storage Management Server 已经包含了Agent的内容。 4.    确认要安装的模块:

You have selected the following components for installation:

CommandCentral Storage Management Server

CommandCentral Storage Web Engine

Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

5.    选择要安装的Agent模块:

CommandCentral Storage Management Server Configuration:

1)  Install the Operations Module (OM) Only

2)  Install the Data Module (DM) Only

3)  Install both Operations and Data Modules

4)  View information about Operations and Data Modules

Enter the corresponding Agent configuration, or '4' for more information: [1-4,q] (3)


OM是Operations Module,用户可以使用这个模块治理存储(storage)、(database),SAN,设定治理策略。DM就是早期SANPoint Control 3.5/3.6中的Client Agent。DM是Data Module,它源自Storage Advanced Reporter。用户可以使用DM查看基于主机或应用的存储使用情况,例如文件的数量、大小、所有者、Exchange的使用情况等等。
6.    选择安装路径:

Where should CommandCentral packages be installed? (/opt) 

Where should CommandCentral databases be installed?  A Directory named 'ccs_data' willbe created within to store data. (/var/VERITAS) 7.    配置CommandCentral的Web Server,缺省http的端口是8181,https的端口是8443,端口可以根据用户实际情况修改。

Please enter a port for the VERITAS Web Server, or to accept the default port: (8181) 8.    配置SMTP Server,缺省值是localhost。 Enter the name or IP address of an SMTP server to use for emailing reports:


Attempting to ping localhost .................................... ping sUCcessful 9.    确认Server的配置信息,假如有问题可以重新配置。

CommandCentral Installation options selected:

Installation dir: /opt

Database dir: /var/VERITAS/ccs_data

VERITAS Java Web Server port: 8181

SMTP server for e-mailing reports: localhost

Is the above configuration correct? [y,n,q] (y)  10.    检查主机软件版本是否符合CommandCentral的要求。 Checking OS version on ultra101 ....................................... SunOS 5.8

Initial system check completed successfully. 11.    显示需要安装的软件包:

installccs will install the following CCS :

VRTSccshd    VERITAS CommandCentral Shared Utilities

VRTSob      VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service

VRTSmuob    VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service Localized Package

VRTSvail    VERITAS Array Providers

VRTSvlic    VERITAS License Utilities

VRTSdbms    VERITAS Database Management Server

VRTSamccs    VERITAS CommandCentral Alert Manager

VRTStrap    VERITAS Trap Service

VRTSccdb    VERITAS CommandCentral Database


VRTSvxmsa    VERITAS Mapping Service, Application Libraries

VRTSas      VERITAS Alarm Service

VRTScccfg    VERITAS CommandCentral Configuration Utility

VRTSccsts    VERITAS CommandCentral Storage Server

VRTSccdc    VERITAS CommandCentral Documentation

VRTSccimp    VERITAS CommandCentral Storage Importer

VRTSjre     VERITAS Java Runtime Environment Redistribution

VRTSccdam    VERITAS CommandCentral Storage Data Module

VRTSat      VERITAS Authentication Service

VRTSweb     VERITAS Java Web Server

VRTSccstw    VERITAS CommandCentral Storage Console
12.    检查系统补丁以及原有的VERITAS软件包是否和CommandCentral兼容,假如发现系统缺少OS的补丁,则会提示补丁的版本号。假如CommandCentral软件包已安装且和当前需要安装的版本一致,那么这些已经安装的软件包就会从安装列表里删除; 假如已安装的版本比当前低,那么先删除,再安装当前版本的CommandCentral。

Checking system installation requirements:

Checking CCS installation requirements on ultra101:

Checking VRTSccshd ........................................ not installed

Checking VRTSob ............................. version 3.2.514.0 installed

Checking VRTSmuob ........................... version 3.2.514.0 installed

Checking VRTSvail ......................................... not installed

Checking VRTSvlic ........................... version 3.02.005d installed

Checking VRTSdbms ......................................... not installed

Checking VRTSamccs ........................................ not installed

Checking VRTStrap ......................................... not installed

Checking VRTSccdb ......................................... not installed

Checking VRTSsal .......................................... not installed

Checking VRTSvxmsa ........................................ not installed

Checking VRTSas ........................................... not installed

Checking VRTScccfg ........................................ not installed

Checking VRTSccsts ........................................ not installed

Checking VRTSccdc ......................................... not installed

Checking VRTSccimp ........................................ not installed
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