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2008-05-28 16:01:32

ok boot cdrom –s
# format
Searching for disks...done
       0. c1t0d0
       1. c1t1d0
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c1t0d0
[disk formatted]
        disk       - select a disk
        type       - select (define) a disk type
        partition - select (define) a partition table
        current    - describe the current disk
        format     - format and analyze the disk
        repair     - repair a defective sector
        label      - write label to the disk
        analyze    - surface analysis
        defect     - defect list management
        backup     - search for backup labels
        verify     - read and display labels
        save       - save new disk/partition definitions
        inquiry    - show vendor, product and revision
        volname    - set 8-character volume name
        !     - execute , then return
format> p
        0      - change `0' partition
        1      - change `1' partition
        2      - change `2' partition
        3      - change `3' partition
        4      - change `4' partition
        5      - change `5' partition
        6      - change `6' partition
        7      - change `7' partition
        select - select a predefined table
        modify - modify a predefined partition table
        name   - name the current table
        print - display the current table
        label - write partition map and label to the disk
        ! - execute , then return
partition> p
Current partition table (original):
Total disk cylinders available: 14087 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders         Size            Blocks
 0       root    wm       0 - 12426       60.30GB    (12427/0/0) 126457152
 1       swap    wu   12426 - 14074        8.00GB    (1649/0/0)   16780224
 2     backup    wu       0 - 14086       68.35GB    (14087/0/0) 143349312
 3 unassigned    wm       0                0         (0/0/0)             0
 4 unassigned    wm       0                0         (0/0/0)             0
 5 unassigned    wm       0                0         (0/0/0)             0
 6 unassigned    wm   14066 - 14086      104.34MB    (21/0/0)       213696
 7 unassigned    wm       0                0         (0/0/0)             0
partition> 1
Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders         Size            Blocks
 1       swap    wu   12426 - 14074        8.00GB    (1649/0/0)   16780224
Enter partition id tag[swap]:
Enter partition permission flags[wu]:
Enter new starting cyl[12426]: 12427     //将swap分区的起始柱面改为12427,使其大于0号分区的结束柱面
Enter partition size[16780224b, 1649c, 8193.47mb, 8.00gb]: 8193.47m
partition> l
Ready to label disk, continue? y
partition> 6
Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders         Size            Blocks
 6 unassigned    wm   14066 - 14086      104.34MB    (21/0/0)       213696
Enter partition id tag[unassigned]:
Enter partition permission flags[wm]:
Enter new starting cyl[14066]: 14076    //将s6分区的起始柱面改为14076使其大于swap分区的结束柱面
Enter partition size[111936b, 11c, 54.66mb, 0.05gb]:
partition> l
Ready to label disk, continue? y
另外,此处还有个知识点,solaris系统分区时,距不准许出现柱面交叉的情况,但可以出现相邻分区的柱面不相邻,比如:0号分区的柱面范围为0—12345 1号分区的柱面可还有从大于12345的人和柱面开始,比如1号分区的柱面范围可以是 12350---12360 ,而中间这12346-1249的柱面空间我们可以分配给其他任何分区,或者空着浪费掉。
2. 从dump完成的系统盘启动系统时,要用reboot -- -r 来让系统时别该盘,否则系统会抱错,进入维护模式,此时输入df –k 会发现输出为空,即所有的文件系统都没有挂接。Mkdir rm,vi等命令无法执行等等,此时执行相关命令时会报该文件系统为“只读”。
# reboot
syncing file systems... done
LOM event: +4h55m7s host reset
screen not found.
keyboard not found.
Keyboard not present. Using lom-console for input and output.
Sun Netra T4 (2 X UltraSPARC-III+) , No Keyboard
Copyright 1998-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
OpenBoot 4.5, 2048 MB memory installed, Serial #52968011.
Ethernet address 0:3:ba:28:3a:4b, Host ID: 83283a4b.
Rebooting with command: boot                                         
Boot device: /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@4/fp@0,0/disk@w21000014c33883a9,0:a File and args:
SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic_108528-19 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
WARNING: forceload of misc/md_trans failed
WARNING: forceload of misc/md_raid failed
WARNING: forceload of misc/md_hotspares failed
WARNING: forceload of misc/md_sp failed
WARNING: forceload of misc/md_stripe failed
WARNING: forceload of misc/md_mirror failed
configuring IPv4 interfaces: eri0.
Hostname: xz_netman
metainit: xz_netman: stale databases
Insufficient metadevice database replicas located.
Use metadb to delete databases which are broken.
Ignore any "Read-only file system" error messages.
Reboot the system when finished to reload the metadevice database.
After reboot, repair any broken database replicas which were deleted.
Type control-d to proceed with normal startup,
(or give root password for system maintenance):
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