MyEclipse 7.5下安装反编译插件jad 收藏
公司机器上装的Java开发环境是MyEclipse 7.5,因为懒的删掉再装Myeclipse 8.0,而今天又需要反编译某个jar包,就试着安装了反编译插件jad。
MyEclipse 7.5版本自身提供了2种插件安装方法。第一种方法是:Help=>Software Updates=>Add/Remove Software菜单进去,选择要安装的插件压缩包或者在线安装URL,因为我用的反编译插件jad.zip是较早从网上下载的,找不到在线安装URL,解压出来的jar文件也不符合MyEclipse 7.5可安装压缩包的条件(具体条件我也不知道),所以方法一无效;第二种方法是:将插件(jar或目录格式)直接放入MyEclipse主目录的dropins目录中,重启一下MyEclipse即可,但不知道为什么试下来也无效。
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
02.import java.util.ArrayList;
03.import java.util.List;
05. * MyEclipse 7.5 插件代码生成工具
06. * 生成的代码放入 \configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\
07. * 然后在命令提示符中使用 myeclipse.exe -clean 重启 或者关闭MyEclipse再打开即可
08. *
09. */
10.public class CreatePluginsConfig {
11. public CreatePluginsConfig() {
12. }
13. public void print(String path) {
14. List list = getFileList(path);
15. if (list == null) {
16. return;
17. }
18. int length = list.size();
19. for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
20. String result = "";
21. String thePath = getFormatPath(getString(list.get(i)));
22. File file = new File(thePath);
23. if (file.isDirectory()) {
24. String fileName = file.getName();
25. if (fileName.indexOf("_") < 0) {
26. print(thePath);
27. continue;
28. }
29. String[] filenames = fileName.split("_");
30. String filename1 = filenames[0];
31. String filename2 = filenames[1];
32. result = filename1 + "," + filename2 + ",file:/" + path + "\\"
33. + fileName + "";
34. System.out.println(result);
35. } else
36. if (file.isFile()) {
37. String fileName = file.getName();
38. if (fileName.indexOf("_") < 0) {
39. continue;
40. }
41. int last = fileName.lastIndexOf("_");// 最后一个下划线的位置
42. String filename1 = fileName.substring(0, last);
43. String filename2 = fileName.substring(last + 1, fileName
44. .length() - 4);
45. result = filename1 + "," + filename2 + ",file:/" + path + "\\"
46. + fileName + ",4,false";
47. System.out.println(result);
48. }
49. }
50. }
51. public List getFileList(String path) {
52. path = getFormatPath(path);
53. path = path + "/";
54. File filePath = new File(path);
55. if (!filePath.isDirectory()) {
56. return null;
57. }
58. String[] filelist = filePath.list();
59. List filelistFilter = new ArrayList();
60. for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) {
61. String tempfilename = getFormatPath(path + filelist[i]);
62. filelistFilter.add(tempfilename);
63. }
64. return filelistFilter;
65. }
66. public String getString(Object object) {
67. if (object == null) {
68. return "";
69. }
70. return String.valueOf(object);
71. }
72. public String getFormatPath(String path) {
73. path = path.replaceAll("", "/");
74. path = path.replaceAll("//", "/");
75. return path;
76. }
77. public static void main(String[] args) {
78. // 插件文件所在目录结构是eclipse/features and plugins的形式
79. String plugin ="C:\\Program Files\\Genuitec\\MyEclipse 7.5\\jad";
80. new CreatePluginsConfig().print(plugin);
81. }
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* MyEclipse 7.5 插件代码生成工具
* 生成的代码放入 \configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\
* 然后在命令提示符中使用 myeclipse.exe -clean 重启 或者关闭MyEclipse再打开即可
public class CreatePluginsConfig {
public CreatePluginsConfig() {
public void print(String path) {
List list = getFileList(path);
if (list == null) {
int length = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
String result = "";
String thePath = getFormatPath(getString(list.get(i)));
File file = new File(thePath);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
String fileName = file.getName();
if (fileName.indexOf("_") < 0) {
String[] filenames = fileName.split("_");
String filename1 = filenames[0];
String filename2 = filenames[1];
result = filename1 + "," + filename2 + ",file:/" + path + "\\"
+ fileName + "";
} else
if (file.isFile()) {
String fileName = file.getName();
if (fileName.indexOf("_") < 0) {
int last = fileName.lastIndexOf("_");// 最后一个下划线的位置
String filename1 = fileName.substring(0, last);
String filename2 = fileName.substring(last + 1, fileName
.length() - 4);
result = filename1 + "," + filename2 + ",file:/" + path + "\\"
+ fileName + ",4,false";
public List getFileList(String path) {
path = getFormatPath(path);
path = path + "/";
File filePath = new File(path);
if (!filePath.isDirectory()) {
return null;
String[] filelist = filePath.list();
List filelistFilter = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) {
String tempfilename = getFormatPath(path + filelist[i]);
return filelistFilter;
public String getString(Object object) {
if (object == null) {
return "";
return String.valueOf(object);
public String getFormatPath(String path) {
path = path.replaceAll("", "/");
path = path.replaceAll("//", "/");
return path;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 插件文件所在目录结构是eclipse/features and plugins的形式
String plugin ="C:\\Program Files\\Genuitec\\MyEclipse 7.5\\jad";
new CreatePluginsConfig().print(plugin);
执行程序并拷贝控制台输出,将其追加到%MYECLIPSE_HOME%\MyEclipse 7.5\\configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\bundles.info文件末尾并保存,重启一下后就安装成功了。
MyEclipse 8.5 安装JAD
1. 下载jad.exe文件:
2. 下载jadeclipse插件:
3. JadClipse 官网:
1. 将jad.exe解压到指定目录。如:c:\java\jad
2. 将jadeclipse插件net.sf.jadclipse_3.3.0.jar 拷贝到myeclipse安装目录\Genuitec\Common\plugins\目录下。
3. 在myeclipse安装目录下dropins/创建eclipse文件夹,然后在eclipse文件夹中分别创建features、plugins文件夹,将net.sf.jadclipse_3.3.0.jar 分别拷贝到features和plugins文件夹中。
4. 重新启动myeclipse后,配置jadeclipse插件
5. 在eclipse窗口下,点击Window > Preferences > Java > JadClipse > Path to Decompiler。(设置jad的绝对路径,如 C:\java\Jad\jad.exe)。Use Eclipse code formatter(overrides Jad formatting instructions)选项打勾,与格式化出来的代码样式一致。
6. 在eclipse窗口下,点击Window > Preferences > Java > JadClipse > Misc,将Convert Unicode strings into ANSI strings选项打勾,避免反编译后可能出现的中文乱码。
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