分类: Oracle
2009-07-21 09:27:36
--构造Procedure change_salary
--参数:ename in varchar2
salary in number
v_job out varchar2
v_dname out varchar2
--构造上述过程,并写出在SQL Editor中的调试代码(给出调用方式)
create or replace procedure change_salary( v_ename in emp.ename%TYPE, v_salary in emp.sal%TYPE, v_job out emp.job%TYPE, v_dname out dept.dname%TYPE ) is v_empno emp.empno%TYPE; too_many_salary exception; begin select e.empno, e.job, d.dname into v_empno, v_job, v_dname from emp e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and upper(ename) = upper(v_ename); if v_job <> 'MANAGER' and v_salary > 8000 then raise too_many_salary; end if; update emp set sal = v_salary where empno = v_empno; if sql%found then dbms_output.put_line('员工姓名为' || v_ename || '的员工的工资已经修改为' || v_salary); end if; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('您输入的人员姓名' || '对应信息不存在'); when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line('人员姓名为'||v_ename ||'不止一个,无法更新!'); when too_many_salary then dbms_output.put_line('你输入的工资过高,无法录入'); when others then dbms_output.put_line(sqlcode || sqlerrm); end;
declare v_out_job emp.job%type; v_out_dname dept.dname%type; begin change_salary('jones', 8500, v_out_job, v_out_dname); end;