wo states are associated with sleeping, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE and TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE. They differ only in that tasks in the TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE state ignore signals, whereas tasks in the TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE state wake up prematurely and respond to a signal if one is issued. Both types of sleeping tasks sit on a wait queue, waiting for an event to occur, and are not runnable.
休眠有两种相关的进程状态:TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE and TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE。它们的惟一却不是处于TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE状态的进程会忽略信号,而处于 TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE状态的进程如果收到信号会被唤醒并处理信号(然后再次进入等待睡眠状态)。两种状态的进程位于同一个等待队列上,等 待某些事件,不能够运行。
the recommended method for sleeping in the kernel is a bit more complicated.
The task performs the following steps to add itself to a wait queue:
1. Creates a wait queue entry via DECLARE_WAITQUEUE().
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