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2009-11-10 12:52:24

However, by the end of the day, Wang's phone began to lose power. As a result, he switched out its battery. "I carry two batteries with me everyday. A phone with many functions consumes more power. This is the phone's only inconvenience."
Wang's university turns off the power at 11 pm. But, undaunted, Wang began watching a movie he uploaded to his phone.
"A cellphone is not only a calling machine. It enables me to communicate, express myself by taking audio, video and photos, and be entertained. It records the precious memories of my life. It not only makes everything more convenient, but it also makes growing up happy."
as a result 结果是
consume more power 消耗更多电量
turn off power 拉电
undauted by ... 不怕……,不受……影响的
enable sb to do sth 使某人可以做某事
express oneself 表达自己
record the precious memories 记录了珍贵的回忆
grow up 成长
only inconvenience 唯一不便之处
a calling machine 电话机(打电话的机器)
entertain v. 使欢乐,娱乐
convenient adj. 方便的
battery n. 电池
switch v. 换,转变
enable v. 使能够
communicate v. 沟通,交流思想
record v. 记录
precious adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的
memory n. 记忆,回忆
function n. 功能
consume v. 消耗,耗费
inconvenience n. 不便,不便之处
undaounted adj. 吓不倒的,无畏的,勇敢的
upload v. 上传
express v. 表达
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