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2009-11-09 09:45:50

Wen Xiao, a senior at Shanghai Maritime University, doesn't have a watch or a digital camera. She rarely glances at a wall clock and seldom carries books or magazines in her bag.
"My cellphone has all functions. I can read novels while waiting for a bus. I can take photos and shoot video while eating with my friends. If is so convenient."
All-in-one devices are becoming a popular tool with which to navigate the digital times, especially among young people.
A typical example of this is the popularity of Apple's iPhone, a touch-screen cellphone that plays music, connects to the Web, delivers e-mail and takes photos. More than 1 million iPhones have been sold since its release in June.
According to CCID Consulting, a Chinese market research company, gadgets with single function are no longer what consumers want.
Shanghai Maritime University 上海海事大学
digital camera 数码相机
mobile phone 手机
digital function 数码功能
single function 单一功能
gadgets with single function 单一功能的小玩意
read novels 阅读小说
take photos 拍照
shoot / take video 拍摄视频
all-in-one device 多合一的设备
navigate the digital times 掌航数码时代
a typical example 一个典型的例子
a touch-screen cellphone 一个触摸屏的手机
connect to the web 连接上网
send / deliver email 发邮件
receive email 收邮件
release the product 发布产品
according to 根据
market research 市场调查
digital adj. 数字的,数码的
senior n. 大四学生
maritime adj. 海上的,海运的
glance vi. 瞥闪,瞥见
magazine n. 杂志
convenient adj. 方便的
popular adj. 流行的
million num. 百万
camera n. 照相机
function n. 功能
navigate v. 驾驶;导航
release n. 发布
consult v. 当顾问
gadget n. 小玩意
popularity n. 流行;大众化
cellphone n. 手机
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