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2009-09-08 16:50:04

Yun now lives in China, and will always patiently answer every  question about South Korea and its culture for curious Chinese. He's keen on introducing interesting facts to foreigners about hist country.
"If people have a misunderstanding about our people or country, I'll explain and tell them what the truth is ," he said.
Yun and his peers also support their country by using South Korean brands such as Samsung or LG, but this doesn't mean that these are their only choices.
"Only buying domestic brands has become a cliche of patriotism," he said. " We young people still prefer to buy the cheaper or better quality products even if they're foreign brands. For example, we don't mind purchasing Chinese goods at all."
be keen on doing sth. 热衷
have a misunderstanding about ... 对……有误解
one's peers 某人的同龄人
domestic brand 国产品牌
foreign brand 外国品牌
the only choice 唯一的选择
a cliche of patriotism 关于爱国主义的陈词滥调
prefer to 偏爱
good quality product
purchase Chinese goods 购买中国产品
brand n. 品牌
domestic adj. 本国的;国内的
quality n. 质量
peer n. 同伴,同龄人
cliche n. 陈词滥调
patiently adv. 耐心地
culture n. 文化
keen adj. 热衷的
support vt. 支持
choice n. 选择
purchase v. 购买
patriotism n. 爱国主义
curious adj. 好奇的
introduce v. 介绍
misunderstanding n. 误解
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